Written while I walked a Wiccan path.... I mentioned on another page that I would explain the Esbats in more detail. The Esbats are celebrations in which the Goddess is honored in her mother aspect. These are the times during the year when the moon is full. The moon goes through a twenty-eight day cycle, very similar to a woman and her menstrual cycle. This is one reason for the connection between the moon and women- it's link to womanhood and the Triple Goddess. The goddess also shows different faces- maiden, mother, and crone- as does the moon. The moon and the goddess never die, but show different phases and faces. The moon was honored and people celebrated under the full moon long before anyone was labeled "witch" and long before anyone began performing rituals. The moon was a part of life and, like the sun, was necessary for life to go on. During the Esbats, the goddess should be honored, and we shoud take this time to link with her, feel part of her, and make offerings to her. You can pledge a certain action to her, maybe you will promise to give money to charity- conservation of the environment is a nice charity to think about. You can work any type of magick at this time, you can send out healing energy, or just honor the goddess. Your altar during an Esbat ritual can be decorated however you like. Your chalice full of water or wine, along with a piece of cake is nice- cake to symbolize the Earth, and water or wine to symbolize water and the moon. The water or wine and the cake should be blessed before you consume it, and you can pour what is left onto the ground in an offering to the goddess. You can decorate with flowers, candles in colors to represent the goddess, herbs, anything you like. Personalize all aspects of your rituals. You can say whatever you like and perform whatever action you like. Do what you want to honor the goddess. Something I enjoy doing from time to time is taking a "moon bath." This can be done by pouring some water in a silver container (if you don't have a silver cup/chalice, etc, you can use a glass container and put something silver in it- utensil, jewelry, etc)- and placing the container of water outside under the rays of the full moon. The energy from the moon beams are captured in the water, and you can keep this water for a time, before the next full moon, when you want to take a magickal bath. You can preserve the water for a time after the new moon, and charge your bath water for whatever purpose you wish. Then, pour the full moon water into the bath, enter the bath, and focus on your goal. The influence of the full moon is effective 3 days before to 3 days after the full moon. Your Esbat ritual can take place anytime during this period. If you plan waxing moon magick, perform your Esbat ritual prior to the full moon. If you plan waning moon magick for your ritual, perform after the full moon. If you don't plan to perform magick, and just plan to honor the goddess, you can perform your ritual the day of the full moon. But do as you wish, and how you see fit. Your Esbat rituals should be performed however makes you feel comfortable. Enjoy them, and enjoy connecting with the Goddess. |
Esbats |