Like herbs, candles, colors, elements, etc., each day has its own magickal correspondances. And like herbs, candles, and so forth, each Wiccan- and some Witches- will have their own personal list of correspondances that may differ slightly to the lists of others. But here, I have added a portion of my list of correspondances for the days of the week as a guideline for you. I hope you find it helpful. SUNDAY- agriculture, career success, children, the god and goddess, health, law, spirituality MONDAY- astral projection, astrology, the home, dreams, emotions, psychic abilities, spirituality, animal guides TUESDAY- aggression, success, courage, new beginnings, physical energy, sex, passion, men, animals WEDNESDAY- communication, money, education, intelligence, memory, music, wisdom, writing, visual arts THURSDAY- business success, charity, luck, growth, prosperity, material wealth, self-improvement FRIDAY- affection, artistis ability, beauty, dating, friendship, love, attraction, marriage, partners, relationships SATURDAY- binding, death, karma, neutralization, protection, removing obstacles, transformation, spell breaking This is not a complete list, and each day will correspond with so many more things- it's just impossible for me to list everything here. This is just a basic guideline. If you are in need of something and can't wait for the exact correspondance day, you can go ahead and perform your spell anyway if you wish. Your intention, desire, and focus is most important in your magickal practise. |
Magickal Days |