As with any other religion or spiritual path, Wicca should be a part of our everyday lives. The rituals and spells we perform aren't the only aspect of Wicca. We can't- or shouldn't- honor the god and goddess, the elements, our own spirits, or nature only when we are in need of something and only when we sit or stand at our altar for a ritual or spell. We should attempt to shift our focus in our everyday lives. The actions we perform aren't purely physical. Taking a shower, going to school, going to work, taking a vacation, paying bills, washing the car, feeding your pet- all these things can be an opportunity to explore spirituality even deeper than rituals and spells allow us. When you wash your car or do the dishes, focus on the powers of the element water. Feel it's energy and recognize its abilities. When you are at school, you have the opportunity to become more in tune with your consciousness and find the spiritual aspect of lessons you may learn. When you are out in the world, you are coming in contact with other people. Try to feel the energy of other people when you are around them. Don't just look at your contact with them as being superficial. A book I highly recommend reading is Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham. It can help you to see Wicca as a way of life and not just as a religion. Our rituals, our celebrations, our spells- these are all important to us as Wiccans. But when we are just living our everyday lives, our spiritual path should be influencing our actions and thoughts. *This concept can be true for ANY path, not just Wicca. No matter what your lifesyle, you should be learning how to live according to your beliefs, not just speak accordingly. Here are some things we can do each day to help us focus on Wicca as a lifestyle and not just as a religion. I learned some of these ideas from Living Wicca: 1. Honor the god and goddess daily- say a prayer, make an offereing to them with incense or light a candle for them. 2. Write about your journey in your Book of Shadows. 3. Plant and tend to a garden or keep potted plants around the house. 4. Meditate daily. You don't have to spend hours, just take some time in the moring or evening, whenever you are free. 5. Take a walk outside- go to a park, walk in the woods, walk in the moonlight and be aware of the spirit in the trees, grass, all parts of the earth and nature. 6. Experiment with divination. 7. Interact with other Wiccans. If you don't know any, find a Wiccan chatroom or message board online. 8. Write new rituals and spells. Write chants, poems. 9. Listen to Pagan music. 10. Make an herbal satchel. These are just a few things we can do each day to stay in touch with our spirit and the spirit of others, of nature, etc. There are many more things you can do, and you might develop your own daily routine.You don't have to incorporate ALL these things into every single day of your life. But you should be including the things that are important to you into your daily life. Remember that all time is sacred, we just need to start experiencing it in the right way. Make Wicca your life, and your spirituality, not just your religion. |
Wicca In Everyday Life |
This page was, obviously, written while I still walked a Wiccan path.... |