I've seen quite a few opinions of green witchcraft. Some people and certain books go into deep descriptions and ideas regarding green witchcraft, some even call it "green Wicca," and say that green witchcraft is green Wicca. I'll just give you my opinions based on what I've learned.

First, green witchcraft is
not green Wicca. You probably could guess, from reading my other pages, that I would say this. But, it's just not wise to say they are the same. I believe one can practise one or the other, certainly.

Green witchcraft is just a term for someone who incorporates the use of herbs in magick. Some will argue that green witchcraft is the true solitary witchcraft of the past. There is some evidence to suggest that solitary witches of the past, who used herbs in magickal practise, did exist. I'm sure this is true, however we also have to remember that herbs were used in the past for medicinal purposes, so not all who used herbs were magicians.

A solitary witch of the past may have grown herbs in his/her own garden, made his/her own incense or burned dried herbs. Practicality may have been important- using what was around the house for tools, etc. Practicality is a part of green witchcraft of today- using what is available, rather than purchasing special tools for use in magickal rites. This practise is sometimes called "kitchen witchery" today.

There really is no exact and honest evidence of the beliefs and practises of witches who practised alone in the past. There are accounts of some individuals in books of the past, both fact-based and fiction. Some may have kept journals that described some of their beliefs and practse, but most probably did not. Solitary pagans such as this did exist, but we just have no way of knowing of their exact practises. We can only speculate in many areas.

Green witchcraft is a personalized practise, differing from person to person, incorporating the use of herbs in magick, use of everyday items in magick, and possibly a religious belief system as well, which also will differ from practitioner to practitioner. There is no one, established tradition of green witchcraft.
Green Wicca, in my opinion, would just be a personalized Wiccan journey that incorporates use of herbs and practicality. Since modern Wicca is not witchcraft in the traditional sense, the magickal practise and core beliefs will differ from that of the beliefs of someone practising green witchcraft. "New age" concepts, Eastern philosophy, Golden Dawn concepts, etc., are base beliefs in modern Wicca. And, of course, modern Wiccan magick is much more ceremonial.

My path can be considered that of a green witch. I personalize, I love to use herbs, I'm practical, and I'm solitary. My ideas of deity are similar to pagan ideas of the past. I celebrate the seasonal changes, as many of the past did (not Sabbats, just seasonal changes, equinoxes, solstices, etc.). I'm aware of the moon and its phases, enjoy moon magick. I suppose you could say green witchcraft is a part of my practise, although I don't prefer the term.

The books I've read on green witchcraft were nice, but got a bit involved, in my opinion. Authors tend to veer off and describe what they think green witchcraft "should" be, how you ought to practise in order to consider yourself a green witch, and some consider green witchcraft and green Wicca to be one in the same. This is all silly, in my opinion, but believe what you want.

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