I described the phases of the moon on this site quite some time ago. I also offered a bit of information about the magick that is best performed during each phase. Here, I just wanted to share some of my personal feelings about the moon, moon magick, and also the sun. I am always aware of the moon and its current phase. It's just natural to me....even as a child I always loved the moon. I don't really know why I loved the moon when I was a kid. I can't really explain, it's just I was fascinated with it. My dad bought me a telescope when I was seven and staring at the moon was what I did most with it. I enjoyed the stars and planets too, but the moon was just always my favorite. So, for me, moon magick clicked immediately. Before I began my walk as a Pagan, I was always aware of the moon's phases. I loved being outside at parties in high school when the sky was clear and the moon was full. I remember one party in particular, during football season, the leaves were falling from the trees, the sky was clear, and the moon was this beautiful, bright orange. My friends and I were all acting like fools and drunk, but somehow, in my drunken stupor, I was able to enjoy the moon's beauty. (Underage drinking is bad :) What does all this mean? I guess this is just a way for me to explain my current views of the moon. I don't worship the moon, but I do believe that the goddess's energies surround it and that she is the moon (figuratively speaking). Without the moon, life would not exist- earth itself would not have balance. I draw her energies down to me frequently, and direct these energies when I work magick. I respect her and her energies and honor her with ritual as often as I can. Although I do believe the goddess's energies are everywhere and surrounding all, I do believe that, in some way, her energies are concentrated around the moon. I mentioned the sun as well. You can probably guess that if I believe the moon is the goddess....then the sun is the god. Yes, I do believe that. The sun's energies are masculine and without the sun, the moon would never be illuminated. Without the sun, life would not exist. I believe, in the same way the goddess is everywhere, so is the god. But, of course, I believe his energies are concentrated heavily in the sun. I draw energies from the sun as well, and honor the god in ritual as often as I can. What is existence without polarity? The moon absorbs and reflects energies. It has its own energies, but it's feminine, reflective aspect is strong. The sun gives energy- it has its own energies which are projected outward to all- it is masculine. Many people refer to the earth as "Mother Earth." This suggests that the earth is feminine, and the goddess's energies are prominent within the earth. True, the goddess is in all and surrounding all....but I believe the god is in all and surrounding all in the earth as well. I feel that their presence within the earth, and all that is in it, is about equal. It seems feminine- especially when you think of the sun as the god. The sun is giving energies to the earth and together they produce all life. However, I believe the moon (the goddess) and the sun (the god) lend their energies together, and the energies of the earth are both of the goddess and the god. These ideas I have are not new. They are quite old, actually. Many people of the past have believed similar things. Many of our ancestors have seen the moon and sun as a god and goddess, believed they bring forth life on earth, etc. Normally, my magick flows with the phases of the moon. Since I'm always aware, I always act accordingly. When the moon is waxing, I feel my own energies getting stronger, I feel I'm most able to cause a positive change. When the moon is waning, I still feel strong, but I feel I'm most able to cause negative change. I don't mean harmful- I mean..... banishing, removing, extinguishing, releasing. When the moon is full, my energies are most sufficient. I feel most energized, most capable of directing and projecting. I also feel most capable of drawing in and absorbing. I often will draw energies from the sun.....positive energies for change and new beginnings during the waxing moon. Negative energies for banishing, removing, and releasing (ridding of negativity, healing, etc.) during the waning moon. Of course, when I say I draw from the sun or moon, I also mean I draw from the spirits of the god and goddess. Moon Baths I love to take moon baths. With my hectic schedule now, I don't often get the chance. But I am planning one soon. The full moon will be above us on Samhain, and I'm planning to gather water for a moon bath at that time. I expained a long time ago, on another page, how to do this. But I'll explain here too. Just set a container of water outside under the moon's rays and leave it to absorb for one night. I prefer to do this during the full moon. I also prefer to use a silver container, as silver represents the moon and absorbs it's spirit. In the morning, bring the container inside and keep it until you can take time for a quiet bath, alone. For your bath, just prepare yourself as you wish- fill the tub, light a few candles (corresponding colors for your needs if you want), light some incense, add some herbs to the water if you like. Then, when the tub is full, pour in the moon-charged water from your container. Enter the bath and focus on absorbing all the powers of the moon, the goddess- as well as the god, for he lends his light (the sun) to the moon. I also have a talisman that I wear most days. It's a triskele made of white gold. Now and then, I will lay it out in the moon's rays and allow it to be charged with energies. I will often do the same with the rays of the sun. I just wanted to offer some of my spiritual views of the moon and sun- so there you have it. Most of my magick is spiritual and is a focus on personal power and using outside forces to better myself. I do create physical change on occasion with my magick, but I rarely feel need for it. I feel a strong connection to the moon and sun, and also to the earth. Many Pagans do, but my magick also reflects that in most cases. HOME NEXT Sorcery |
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