I feel that in order to be a successful magician- or "magickian"- you must fully understand magick... what it is, how it works, etc. I realize magick is confusing to many people, so that is what drove me to write this essay early this year- I revised it recently because of new personal beliefs. This article is based on what I've discovered from personal experiences with my practise, from books, and from other practitioners. The spelling is not important. If you prefer magic with the "k," fine. If not, spell it like it is in the dictionary. Both forms are acceptable. First, let me give you two definitions: Microcosm: a miniature copy of something larger- often existing within the larger entity. When dealing with human existence....the microcosm is a person's inner being, or personal universe. A human is, in a way, a miniature copy of the universe- existing within the universe. Macrocosm: a large system, seen as a single entity, that contains numerous, smaller structures. The universe itself is the macrocosm in this case. We (separate, microcosmic beings) exist within the universe (the macrocosm). Magick is altering reality with the willed manipulation of energy (this definition was mentioned to me by Terrence King, who was a mage I met in Australia several years ago). In this way, magick is used to affect the macrocosm- or alter the outside universe. However, according to many occultists and many pagans- especially Wiccans, Thelemites, certain traditional witches and pagans, etc.- magick is also a spiritual concept. Magick is used to affect the microcosm, or alter a practitioner's inner being. In my opinion, magick is both these things. Magick, indeed, can be spiritual, and used to better (or not) one's inner being, assist us in achieving a higher existence, evolve spiritually, and possibly evolve psychically, mentally, physically, etc., as a result. And magick can be used to directly affect the outside world as well. I also do believe that by changing the microcosm, we can also affect the macrocosm. If you alter your inner being in any way, the outside universe will be affected- often very subtly, but indeed, it is affected. A Hermetic Axiom, "as above, so below- so below, as above" effectively expresses this concept. If your inner being is changed, you are changed as whole. If you are different, your surroundings will be affected in some ways as well. Changing Both the Microcosm and the Macrocosm One magickal tradition can be effective in both dramatically altering a person's inner being and the outside world. The magickal practise of Necromancy is a good example of this. An excellent page, describing both greater and lesser Necromancy, can be found at The Library of Knowledge. Tomekeeper explains that a Necromancer deals primarily with the energies of death- using these energies to one's own benefit. A Necromancer's entire being will be altered as a result of practising his/her craft. A Necromancer can use his/her magick to alter the outside world, and also affect inner being- using death essences (and sometimes living) to create change around him/her. So in this tradition, magick can be considered both a spiritual science and a tool for acheiving changes in the material plane. -This is just my example. It's my opinion that all magickal practitioners, regardless of their chosen tradition, can effectively change both the macrocosm and the microcosm. How We View Magick and How We Use It Now, not only can magick be used to alter both the microcosm and the macrocosm, there are also numerous ways to view magick and HOW we use it. A Chaos magician normally induces a mental state (called gnosis) and effectively imprints his/her intention onto the quantum flux of the universe. Using this altered state, a Chaos magician's subconcious mind is bringing about a magkical change. A Chaos magician may use a particular ritual as a guide, of sorts, to achieve a state of trance where the mind weaves a connectivity with the universe. A Chaos magician usually considers "belief" in anything to be a state of mind- everything you believe in is simply a personal state of mind, not an absolution (nothing is truth, everything is possible). If you alter your state of mind, there is no separation between the astral plane, mental plane, physical plane, etc. The Chaos techniques and views of magick generally are not the same as the idea that we can direct "energy" from our being or harness the energy of other things in order to create change. A witch might infuse an object (or focal point) with a desire or intention (energies), charge the object, and leave the object alone to allow it to release the "energies" and create change. Anything can be used as an object of focus- herbs, an herbal potion or brew, a candle, etc. In this way, magick is a mindset, of sorts. A practitioner's mind is set to achieve a goal, he/she focuses intentions and directs them out from his/her being into the object- the object then releases the energies to create some sort of change in the world. Another view is that we can create a change with our own energies directly. A magician may develop a technique that involves "collecting" and sending forth the spiritual, physical, or mental energies of his/her being. An object as a focal point might not be used- the magician may send his/her energy into the world directly from him or herself, without use of an object that "releases" the energies over a period of time. This concept can also include the manipulation of other energies beyond our own that can be directed toward a goal. Elemental magicks are an example. A magician may develop techniques that can be used to harness and direct the elementals (the "energies" or spirits of elements- depending on how you view this). Manipulating the energies of the elements (called enchanting) is not directing the actual winds or storms, fires, or waves of the ocean, to create a change. Rather, it's harnessing the powers behind these forces, using the attributes of each element. These energies of the elements can be directed to create change both within us and without us. And, physical elemental magick is also an example of manipulation of outside energies. Elemental magick can include the manipulatoin of the physical elements themselves. A magician can learn to focus and effectively move the elements to create desired changes. Evocation, invocation, summoning, and conjuring are magickal practises and concepts as well. A magician may learn ways to call forth certain entities- spirits, whether of once living persons, demons, angels, etc.- and ask these entities for assistance of some form. A magician might ask an entity for knowledge of a spiritual or physical nature, ask the entity to perform a deed, etc. This usually involves elaborate rituals or ceremonies and a magician who conjures spirits may be less concerned with the focus and direction of personal energies. The focus may be more on performing the ceremonial aspects of the rites properly in order to bring forth these entities. These are just several examples of how a magician might choose to practise, choose to view magick and how it works, how it can be used- or what it is, for that matter. There really is no one set definition of magick. Each individual will view it at least slightly differently than most others. I mean, I suppose an idiot would figure that out- if there was one way to view and practise, all the different traditions and practises would not exist. Morality and "Karma" Most magickal practitioners also must decide how to view morality, "karma," and consequences of their actions. Is it "okay" to cause harm to someone, is is wise to cause harm, when is it harm and not justice, etc. Different traditions within magick usually have basic beliefs concerning these ideas. Wiccans generally believe in the "harm none" rule suggested by their Wiccan Rede, and along with this, usually agree with the Threefold Law. They generally believe that if you cause any type of harm to someone or something, you will receive some sort of negativity in return and it may be three times as intense as you sent it. With this in mind, Wiccans generally have a defined set of morals to follow- certain magick is off limits. For others, like me, harm cannot always be defined absolutely (according to my standards, sometimes it can, but many times it cannot). How do you decide if magick is harmful? If someone is causing physical (or any form of) harm to others, is it acceptable to prevent this person from causing more harm, or is it acceptable to actually harm this person in order to prevent them from harming further? This is a personal choice and must be decided upon before a person begins a magickal practise, in my opinion. Another concept to think about is black magick. Usually, black magick is considered to be any type of magick that is performed strictly for personal gain, and is performed regardless of the affects it may have on other persons or things. It can include magick for material gain, hexes or curses, revenge magick, etc. Magick itself is not "black" or negitive. The intention of the practitioner is what is negative. Do you feel that using magick for such extreme selfish purposes is within your means? Would you perform a spell to benefit your life if it meant hurting or even destroying another person or thing? If someone crossed you, would you hex them or curse them in order to seek revenge? What are your views on such things? Along with morality issues come the concepts of return- laws of return, such as the threefold law I mentioned, karmaic return, the Ripple Theory (or Ripple Effect), etc. Do magickal energies eventually return to you? Logically speaking, the Threefold Law is....illogical. Magick is not flung out from your being and then boomeranged back to slap you in the face three times as hard. It's not quite as literal and simple as that. Your energies, obviously, will affect others- your intended target specifically. If you cause your target to be changed in some way, this person or thing will then cause certain changes in things or people around it. These things, in turn, create certain changes in other objects, or people, and so on. Eventually, this energy may affect you as well. An example of this- you aren't making enough money and you want a raise. You decide to deal with this magickally and cause your boss to be willing to offer you this raise. As a result, a co-worker of yours is fired in order to afford your raise. This person was a vital asset to the company and is now gone. The company suffers as a result of your co-worker's absence. Eventually, the company you work for might fold. In that case, you are out of a job....and remember that your co-workers, boss, etc. also are out of a job. You created quite a ripple with your desire for a raise. The energies you sent forth rippled through the lives of many people, and eventually caused a serious effect on your life as well. This is a simplified example of the Ripple Effect (again, I will refer you to the Library of Knowledge, for it was Tomekeeper who directed me to one of the best descriptions I've seen of the Ripple Effect). This applies to all energies- whether they are intended for positive purposes or negative. Magick and Spirituality... ...can go hand in hand. Many people find themselves spiritually before choosing a magickal craft, or before gaining an interest in magickal practise. For some, their spiritual path defines their magickal practise. Wiccans are, again, a good example. Not only do most Wiccans revere a god and goddess, but they may work with their deities in their magickal rites. They may invoke the spirits or ideals of their deities. They may ask their deities for assistance in achieving something. To a Wiccan, magick itself is just an extension of spirituality. Divination is magick, casting the circle and celebrating a season is magick, reciting a poem to honor the deities is magick. Meditation is magick. Magick is just an extention of spiritual beliefs to many people. A person's spiritual path can define the type of magick a person practises, and define whether magick is used primarily for spiritual or material gain. If you are drawn to a tradition of witchcraft, your beliefs may define what type of magick you choose to perform. Your magick may be generally used to affect your inner being and help you to feel "closer" to nature or to your deities more often than be used to affect the world around you, or gain material things. On the other hand, some people find an interest in magick before defining themselves spiritually. The magick they feel drawn to might help them to define a set of morals or standards. They might even begin to practise a form of magick before realizing their beliefs (or lack of belief) in a god, universal energy, goddess, etc. A practitioner might not be interested in magick for spiritual gain, but more for material gain. A sorcerer, for example, is generally interested in creating change outside themselves. Although many sorcerers have what most might consider to be "spiritual" beliefs or ideas, a sorcerer's practise is generally a focus on material gain. What To Do Magick is serious. It's simple in some ways, but extremely complicated on some levels. It can be considered an energy within you, within all things, within spiritual beings, or it can be considered just to "be." You can decide how you view magick, how you create it, manipulate it, direct it, believe it to exist, etc. A first step in practising any form of magick is deciding how you view it and how you believe it exists. A second step is deciding what you are comfortable with. Once you decide these things, read first. See what practitioners of the crafts you are interested in have to say. After you have some ideas, a hands on approach to extensive learning and success is a must. Magick is a practise that does not involve simply sitting idly on your ass and reading how-to books. Reading is important, yes, but eventually, your hands-on approach will prove to be your most valuable resource. I'm glad you are here reading this page and this website. I created it to help others or at least to entertain, if nothing else. But after you feel you understand what magick is and how it works, then go do some self-searching. Your personal discoveries will be what drive you and what mold your ideas into a successful and fulfilling practise. HOME NEXT Understanding Energy |
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