Royal Government of Bhutan
Dzongkhag Administration
Sarbang Bhutan
14/1/ 92
Sardzong /109/91-92/1367 Dt. January 4,1992
To: Gup, Singhi Gewog,
You are hereby notified that although as per your report submitted
to Dzongkhag office, stating that you had completed the demolition
of houses of those who had absconded from the country, on
my personal visit and in my assessment you have not complied
to the order. I found that most of the houses were not demolished,
and those demolished, were not cleared properly.
Therefore, within three days you are ordered to gather 70-80
people of your village to demolish the houses and intimate
me about the same. The houses should be demolished in my presence.
Treat this notice as very urgent.
(Kencho Dorji)
Officiating Dzongda