Royal Government of Bhutan insisted in placing Bhutanese refugees
in the camps in Nepal into four categories during the first
Bhutan-Nepal Joint Ministerial Committee Talk (JMLT) held
in Kathmandu on October 4-7, 1993. Nepal, eager to bring elusive
Bhutan to the negotiating table for resolution of Bhutanese
refugees issue, had no choice but to accept the categorization
of refugees into following four categories:
Bhutanese, if they have been evicted forcefully;
who emigrated;
Bhutanese people; and
who have committed criminal acts.
Royal Government of Bhutan now contends that the refugees
under category of "Bhutanese who emigrated" are
in fact, those who have "voluntarily" emigrated
from the country. It says that they have fulfilled all official
formalities, legal procedures and obligations to emigrate
to Nepal. Bhutan contends that these people have applied for
voluntary emigration to Nepal and not evicted under coercion.
was no external aggression, civil war, famine etc. in Bhutan,
then why did the Nepali-speaking Lhotshampas suddenly decide
to emigrate en-mass to Nepal? Under normal conditions, why
would people choose to leave their homeland in thousands to
live in refugee camps? Why did so many people decided to seek
out-migration from Bhutan only after the first-ever pro-human
right peaceful demonstration in Southern Bhutan in 1990?.
truth however, is that they did never ask for "voluntary
migration" or "voluntary emigration" form Bhutan,
rather they were coerced to sign documents and papers saying
that they were voluntarily migrating from Bhutan under gun-point.
The people were coerced to leave the country under direct
physical abuse, intimidation, threats and harassment. The
bogey of "voluntary migration" is also a conspiracy
of the government to forcefully evict the Lhotshampas.
bogey of "Voluntary Migration" is a corollary/sequence
of population politics - which aimed at depopulating southern
Bhutan, by reducing the number of Nepali-speaking Lhotshampas
to 25% of the total population. It is linked to the Citizenship
Act, 1985, which too seeks to bring about a demographic balance
in favour of the ruling Ngalung community. The politics of
'Voluntary Migration' has the tendency to create statelessness
as it compels the people to leave the country forever. Bhutanese
laws forfeit a person's right to return once he leaves the
country, thus making mockery of international law - that allows
any person to leave his country and to return to it.
answers to these questions perhaps lies in the issuance of
'voluntary migration forms' - written in Dzongkha language,
which ordinary people were forced to sign. "Voluntary
Migration" is nothing but forcible exile. "Amnesty
International believes that many people in the camps in Nepal
have been forced out of Bhutan as a result of measures taken
by the Bhutanese authorities. Many of those in the camps in
Nepal have been forcibly exiled from Bhutan on account of
their ethnic origin or political beliefs" (Forcible Exile,
Amnesty International, London.).
Dzongda (District Magistrate or Chief District Officer) and
the Home Ministry were the main architect of so-called "voluntary
migration" to reduce the population in Southern Bhutan.
The government had already printed migration forms, compensation
form etc., prior to peoples' leaving the country- shows that
the government had craftily planned the so-called "voluntary
migration". the procedure adopted for "voluntary
migration" were as follows:
The Dzongda ( District Magistrate or Chief District Officer)
instructs the Mandals ( village headmen) to call a meeting
of villagers to submit "voluntary migration" form.
In the meeting the Village headman declares that all the villagers
must submit application stating that they wanted to lave the
country. He warns that if they failed to submit the form,
they will be severely dealt with. There is no appeal. Thus,
the intimidated villagers are made to write an application
that they were willingly seeking " voluntary migration"
out of Bhutan, under threat. The Dzongda then sends the application
to the District Court. The applicants are then made to fill
up the Emigration Form issued by the Court. ( Form 1 below).
The form is written in Dzongkha language, which the villagers
do not understand.
1. Emigration From
( Translated form Dzongkha)
Chirang Thrimkhang
Date................. |
Name of
Head of Family...................... |
Age................................................... |
Name................................. |
Village............................................... |
Gewog................................. |
Card No............... |
Thram Number........................... |
House Number........................... |
Reasons:- |
The applicants
are coerced to write that " He and his family members are
seeking voluntary migration out of the country" in the
reason for leaving column. The court then asks the village headman
to present himself and the applicant. ( Form 2 below)
2: Court's letter addressed to Gewog Gup (Village Headman)
Chirang Thrimkhang
Letter No. DCC [...(1273)-91/27] Date...............
The [.. Lamidara ] Gup of Chirang Dzongkhag - according to
your Chirang Dzongkhag's letter No. CDA/CENSUS [...-6/91-92/1421]
dated [...27/12/91], [...Ran Bahadur Kharga] of [...Lamidara]
Block has, of his own free will, applied to the country alongwith
[....nine] members of his family. In this regard, the court
requires those who have submitted such applications to be
personally present in court in order to clarify the matter.
Therefore, in view of [...Ran Bahadur Kharg's ] application,
the Gup is called upon to be present alongwith him in this
court without fail at 9 AM on [...31/12/91].
Chirang Dzongkhag
2. Superintendent of Police, Chirang
3. Applicant [..Ran Bahadur Kharga, through Lamidara Gup]
(Rinchen Dorji)
Chirang Thrimpon
After the receipt of the emigration form by the court, the
District Magistrate makes the so-called "emigrant"
and the district official to sign an Agreement, which provides
provisions for "compensation" by the government
to the "emigrant". (Form 3)
3. - Agreement between Dzongkhag ( District Administration)
and Emigrant
Agreement no. [..91/27] Date.....................
of [..Lamidara] Chirang, [..Lamidara] Block, House Number
[...LD/139], bearing name [..Ran Bahadur Kharga] and Citizenship
identity Card Number [..134406], having applied as per his
own wish to leave the country through the Gup, and his case
being duly forwarded by the Dzongdag, Chirang vide letter
No. CDA/CESNSUS [..-6/91/92/1421] dated [..27/1/91] and the
same being submitted to this court, the said person, [..Ran
Bahadur Kharga], has admitted and declared to this court that
he has no complaints whatsoever against anyone and that he
has mentally decided on his own to leave the country and go
to [..Hariya], Jhapa, [..Nepal] alongwith his other people
belonging to [...Lamidara] Block, Thram Number [..114] and
House number [..272].
From the Court's side, having considered, firstly, with regard
to people wishing to leave the country, as per law ka)5-10
which does not restrict people from leaving, and as per Ministry
of Home Affairs letter No. ka-(14)2/85/909 which states that
people wishing to leave the country on their own can do so;
secondly, with regard to the surrender of land to the government,
as per the law ka-(10) 18(6)/91/1639 dated 2.9.91 which states
that after paying all dues and taxes the payment for the land
surrendered to the government will be made as follows;
Paddy Fields, Class 1.............
2. Paddy Fields, Class 2..............
3. Dry Fields, Class 1.............
4. Dry Fields, Class 2.............
house and land under the ownership of the emigrant having
been individually compensated for considering the land under
Thram Number [...114], House Number [..272] valued at Ngultrum
[..Forty One Thousand Six Hundred], and also having exempted,
according to Home ministry's letter No. 909, the 10% tax that
such transactions entail.
today, the above person alongwith the other [..nine] persons
included under his census have been deleted from the census
records of Chirang,. Upon being deleted from the census records
as Bhutanese citizens, anyone not abiding by this may be liable
to a fine of Nu. 1000.00 and one year of imprisonment as per
Agreement 0...11].
Signature of Head of family wishing to leave Bhutan
2. Land Compensation paying authority from Chirang Dzongkhag
Signatures/Thumb impressions of;
3. Ran Bahadur Kharga, 2. Dzongda, Chirang 4. Gup of Lamidara
Copy to:
1. Hon'ble Home Minister, Thimphu
2. Hon'ble Finance Minister, Thimphu
3. Deputy Minister, high Court, Thimphu
(Rinchen Dorji)
Chirang Thrimpon
The officials of District Administration then makes
a video film of the handing over of compensation to the so-called
"emigrants". The emigrants are coerced to smile
and show happiness before the video camera. In many instances,
the recipient were relieved of most of his "compensation'
by officials as deductions on account of children's education,
medical services, prison charges at a rate of Nu.2,000.00
per month etc. After completing all these formalities the
applicants must leave Bhutan in three days, failing which
he will have violated the Agreement and will be liable to
a fine of Nu.1,000.00 and imprisonment of one year.
government has printed a standard form for compensation to
the 'emigrants'. The form contains the properties of the 'emigrants'.
The emigrants are forced to sign stating that he is wiling
to sell his properties registered in his name and as described
in the compensation form ( Form No. 4). The compensation is
far below the market value and even lower than the government's
own approved rates
No. 4
(Translated from Nepali)
I, ........, resident of Block........ Thram No. ..............,
do hereby sign this agreement that I desire to willingly sell
my land as described in the above Thram Number to the government
at the prevailing government rates. In this regard, I have
not been pressurized by anyone to sell; having received Nu.........
in words payment from the government, I am willingly
leaving the land Description of land is as hereunder :-
No. |
of land |
Class |
of Place |
Acre |
Decimal |
Remarks |
southern Bhutanese were paid the above rates as compensation
for leaving the country. These rates are not keeping with
the government's own approved rate for acquisition of properties.
For example, the so-called 'emigrants' were paid Nu. 8, 000.00
per acre of Class I paddy fields. The government rate for
Class I paddy fields was Nu. 30,000.00 per acre of land. (
Form 5-A below)
rates for a acquisition of land belonging to the public by
the government were approved by the Cabinet on June 26, 1986.
These rates circulated by the Ministry of Finance vide circular
No. MF/CAO/2/86/2034 date July 8, 1986 came into effect from
July 10, 1986.
5. Government approved rate for acquisition of land
"A" Towns |
Municipal area |
65,300.00 per acre |
outside |
43,500.00 per acre |
"B" Towns |
within |
43,500.00 per acre |
outside |
30,500.00 per acre |
"C" Towns |
within |
30,500.00 per acre |
were 9, 14 and 9 towns classified as Class A, B, and C respectively,
of which 3,5 and 6 were in southern Bhutan with almost wholly
southern Bhutanese populations at the time these rates were
approved. Outside Class "C" Towns and in Rural Areas,
the approved rates were as follows; Form 5-A
Field (wet land) |
Class 1 |
30,000.00 per acre |
Field (dry land) |
and Cheri (Dry land) |
Land |
be paid for one tree and age of orchard basis
For Orange - Nu. 350.00 per tree from 7th year |
Nut Nu. 130.00 per tree from 7th year
Cardamom Nu. 15,000.00 per acre from 4th year |
to be determined through evaluation. |
must be emphasized that the above government- approved figures
only reflect rates enforced by the government to enable it
to acquire land; it is not indicative of actual land values
which, in the case of some of the towns, exceeds Nu. One Million
per acre. In southern Bhutan, good irrigated paddy land is
valued at over Nu. 200,000.00 per acre.
: Mr. Chudamuni Adhikari
: 49
No. of Family members
: 10
Address in Bhutan
: Katarey village, Nichula Block, Kalikhola Thram
( Land deed) No. 141. House No. KT/16
Refugee camp address
: Sector B3. Hut No. 13/14, Beldangi II-Extn
Bhutanese refugee camp Nepal
February 21, 1991, there was a meeting at our village headman's
(Mondal) residence in Nichula. During the meeting the Mondal,
Mr. Sun Man announced that all the villagers were to submit
applications to the Dunga (Sub Divisional Officer) stating
that they wanted to leave the country. He further warned that
anyone failing to submit the same would be severely dealt
with. The very day, I wrote an application to the Dunga stating
that I would not leave the country. On March 1, 1991, I personally
went to him and requested him to allow me to allow me to live
in my homeland where generations of my forefathers had lived.
But the Dunga angrily threatened me that I better followed
what I asked to do by the mondal or else I would be punished.
When I repeated my plea, policemen were called in, who then
dragged me out of his office. I was then taken into police
custody at around 11:00 AM. While I was left alone in the
cell, three army men came in at about 5 PM and started coercing
me to write the application for filling the VMF. When I denied,
they started beating me mercilessly with wooden rolls until
I lost my consciousness. When I opened my eyes the following
morning; I discovered myself still in the police custody,
all alone.
For the next five days, I was kept without food. On the fifth
day, the soldiers came to the cell and began intimidating
me to write the application. Tired and exhausted, I was not
able to bear anymore torture and I wrote down the application.
Soon after that, I was released and I came back to my house.
After seven days, a group of police personnels came to my
house to summon me to the office in Sarbhang. There they had
the 'Voluntary Migration Form ` filled and forced me to sign
on a document, the contents of which I did not understand.
Out of sheer fear, I signed it. This was done in the Dunga's
office in Sarbhang who then ordered me to submit the VMF to
the District Officer (Dongda). The following day, I was given
an utterly low compensation for my property. While I was being
handed over the money, I was asked to smile and said that
I was leaving my country on my own free-will, facing a video
camera. When I refused to do so, the policemen who were managing
the affair, under the supervision of the Dungpa and the Dzongda,
beat me hard on my back. Out of extreme fear, I compiled to
the order and the authority watches the scene mockingly. After
the task was completed, the Dzongda, Mr. Penjor Dorji ordered
me to leave the country within five days. For fear of persecution
and in order to save the lives of my family members from the
brutality of the local administration, I left the country,
leaving my home and property behind. This was not just my
fate, all our village folks fell prey to this grand design
of forcible eviction and they now live like me as refugees
in the camps in Eastern Nepal. ( Voluntary Migration Report
by AMCC)
click on
Phoney Illegal immigration
for continuity