| | Common Lopper Moth
- Hypodoxa muscosaria
This page contains information about Common Lopper Moths that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Wingspan 50mm
- The
moths have camouflaged wing patterns. Imagine if they rest on tree bark, they
are hardly been seen. These patterns are wavy lines extend across both fore and
hind wings. These moths rest with a standard posture, holding wings
outspread and tightly pressed against the surface on which they are sitting.
This eliminates the shadow as well as the wings outline for a better
camouflaged posture.
- The about pictures taken in mid-winter, the moths rested on our window glass
in a cool night. Their colour vary from grey to brown.
- The Bottom view is quite different from the top view. There are the dark
patterns along the wings edges and yellow near the body. Their caterpillar is green in colour resemble
plants stem.
- The adult moths of this species are varied in their colours, from an light
grey, pale brown to deep green.
- This moth rest on gum tree trunk. Its camouflaged colours made it hard to
be seen. Can you see the moth in the second picture?
- The moth rest with wing edges fully close to the surface. This makes no
shadow in any direction, i.e., the insect's outline completely merged with the
back ground. Usually most camouflaged insects are betrayed by their antenna.
Most of the time we spotted a camouflaged insect by its antenna. This moth put
its antenna under its wings so that they cannot be seen.
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