Brazilian Railroad Network Distribution



The main evolution of transport systems in Brazil in the last 45 years is called the
"Road Option"

As we see in the table below, Brazilian Railroad Network has been decreasing its total amount in extension since the last 10 years, while an opposite movement happens with the Brazilian Road (Highway) Network.. It seems that a huge country like Brazil doesn't appear to notice the importance of Railroad Investments, concerning rail solutions..

The rail network represents no more than 23 % of total freight share market and only 2.3 % of passengers modals. Gauge distribution is rated in 82% of metric and 18 % of 1600 mm.
So, in a way or another, Big money is spent toi support the Road Option we are not wrong in saying that part of the "Brazilian Cost", is due in someway to the absence of a rail transportation.

Years Rail Network Extension (km) Road Network Extension (km)
1984 28.942 110.558
1985 27.777 115.725
1986 29.814 123.357
1987 29.833 128.206
1988 29.933 133.623
1989 30.370 136.647
1990 30.162 139.353
1991 30.150 139.415
1992 30.132 143.247
1993 30.214 148.246

Source : GEIPOT

  While in 1950 the Road modal was responsible for about 38 % of total freight market shares, and 76 % of passengers ones, in Nowadays it represents around 60 % and 95 % respectively.


Click Here for a complete map of the Brazilian Railroad Network Distribution.
  Here to check some of the consequences of the lack of investments in the Rail modal.
  And Here for the Large country's railroad production and extension comparison.


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