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I see your mommy let you come in lol j/k! Once again i will NOT be responcable for
YOUR actions i set up this site for your entertainment ONLY! The material on this site is for
viewing pleasure only this site is NOT ment to make you want to go get stoned it is to teach you some things about marijuana that you might not know about! enjoy this *Entertainment Only* site thank you!
Pick your pleasure by clicking what ever catches your eye below! Thankx!
YoU kNoW yOu ArE a StOnEr If!
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       Ok there has been a few *girls* asking me to put a pic of me on my site well....I have this GREAT idea... Now the idea that i had was for EVEYONE to send me a pic of them through e-mail at Kenbo507@hotmail.com and i will post everyones pic on the Stoner page now....in the pic you can be oing anything BUT NO NUDITY! the MOST i will post is a girl in her bra and panties NOTHING LESS OK?!?! But ladies DONT let that stop the pix flowing ;-) But anywho in the pic you can be sitting there taking a bong hit ANYTHING! i will post EVERY pic i get as long as it isnt just wrong i dont care about your age if you are 12 or 21 it dont matter i will post ok?!? So PLEASE start sending the pix and you can send more then 1 if you want and they will get posted also ok? Well once again my e-mail is Kenbo507@hotmail.com and PLEASE send them as attachjments ok? aight bye man time for a hit!
Stoners from accross the world!