Spring Rites
As the Earth springs to life, many of us start gardens, do spring cleaning, buy new clothes and begin home projects.  Here are some spring rites to consider adding to your own yearly ritual.

May Day Celebrations
Beltane is May 1st, and at this time of year, the Sun is in the peak of earth sign Taurus.  The first of May is a day to honor Mother earth, nature, and all the earth gives us.  So what can you do to mark this day?
Plant-some ideas for herbs you can plant indoors are listed                           below
Cook a big meal-Taurus is the sign the loves to indulge in
                    the tastes of good, homecooked food.  Add colorful fruits and                        vegetables to your dish.  Eat outside if the weather cooperates
Use your sense of touch-May is the fifth month and our bodies                      have five points (head, hands and feet), and our hands and                          feet have five fingers and toes each.  Five is the pentacle, the                       symbol of earth.  Ground yourself in this day by experiencing
                    the feeling of earth as you plant, your pet as you care for it,
                    food and drink as you take it in.  Get a massage or other body
  Fertility rites were a tradition on May Day in ancient pagan                        cultures!

     Plant herbs indoors in early spring.  They can later be transplanted into your garden.  Each herb has unique power.  Plant the ones you think are most beneficial for you and your family and use them in your cooking.
Chamomile for love and relaxation
Mint for health and purification
  Basil for warmth and good family relationships
Rosemary for healing, romance, and transformation
Hibiscus for beauty
Hollyhock for magic and clairvoyance
Thyme or Angelica for protection
Sage for protection and space cleansing
Fennel for the digestive system.

Wind Chimes

        March and April are usually windy months.  Take advantage of wind power by adding chimes by your doors and windows.  As the wind causes them to chime, they remove stagnant energy from your home.  Hung by the front entrance, chimes are thought to provide a buffer from "street energy".  Hang them in the center of your home and ring often to promote good health among family members

Robin's Zodiac Z

Peek at the W

Monthly 4cast

Moon Si

Cosmic Dates and Mate

Rock Astrol