Computer Hard Ware

Micro Processor


       At the top you can also see the Clock Driver. The Clock Driver is what times, or sets the pace for the computer. The clock's speed, is how CPUs are rated. Each machine cycle consists of two beats. Each beat the Control Unit fetches and decodes data, which is called the Instruction Cycle. At the same time the Arithmetic/Logic Unit executes and stores data, which is called the Execution Cycle. 

       The speed of a clock is rated by how many beats per second it can accomplish. 1 million beats per second is refered to as 1Mhz. For every beat (except the very first), a machine cycle is completed. Common CPUs available today perform at 550Mhz and faster. This means that a 550Mhz CPU can execute 550,000,000 instructions in a single second! Man! I do good to get two things done an hour! ;-) 



TheCase | MotherBoard | PowerSupply | Microprocessor | Ram | PowerCable 

MotherBoard BetteryCaseFan | Chipset | DIMM Sockets | PCI Audio Accelerator

Optional CaseFan | 3.5 Inch Drive | 5.25 Inch Drive | IDE Cable   | I/O Ports 

Panel Connector Cable | PCI Slot One | PCI Slot Two | PCI Slot Three 

ISA Slot Two | Shared PCI/ISA Slot | Expansion Slot | AGP Expansion Slot 

IDE & Panel Connectors | Case Speaker   | Case Front Panel

