"The mission of the Filipino American National Historical
Society shall be to promote understanding, education, enlightenment,
appreciation, and enrichment through the identification, gathering,
preservation, and dissemination of the history and culture of Filipino
Americans in the United States."
In 1763, Filipino seamen established a settlement in
what now is known as Louisiana. The Spanish American War made American
"nationals" of Filipinos and from the early 1900's through 1935, they
were free to enter the United States as long as they had the price of
a boat ticket.
Waiting to be told are the stories of the descendants of those "Spanish
colonial" seamen, early workers in sugar plantations of Hawaii, men
who served in the U.S. Navy since World War I, women who came in the
1920s and 1930s, ambitious and aspiring college students, eager young
workers who toiled in canneries in Alaska, farms in California, Oregon,
Washington, Arizona, and Montana, the railroads, kitchens and restaurants,
as postal workers or houseboys, the American-born second generation
of pre-World War II days, war brides, and countless others who constitute
the subsequent groups of immigrants from the Philippines.
Stories of the Depression, riots, and discrimination, vignettes of dance
halls, gambling and other "leisure time" activities, the lodges, churches
and organized Filipino communities, the process of acculturation, and
the value of family are some of the information FANHS will collect and