Ramón N. Barata Rubio


Artistic director, choreographer and dance professor.

Graduate of middle superior level in dance, professor and choreographer of different Houses of the Municipal Culture in the country.

Graduate as artistic director of musical shows.

Graduate as producing of theatrical shows, dancing and musical.He has imparted to other dance specialists, courses of Cuban and international folkloric dances and choreography.

Professor from the Center of Culture Superation of the City of the Havana.

Artistic director and choreographer of official artistic-cultural activities in theaters and cabaret.

General director and creator of HABANADANZA, dancing biennial event where they participate professional companies, dance schools and ballet and groupings professionals of grateful quality (1980-1995)

Advisory choreographic of the Organizing Commission of the Carnivals of the Havana. Choreographic director of the Closing of the XI Pan-American Sport Games.

It has participated in International Festivals in Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and others.

He has been working as Technical and choreographic Adviser of the Organizing Committee of the Carnivals of Veracruz, Mexico.

It has been managing choreographic of the International Festival of Popular Music Benny Moré."

Currently directs the ballet of a Variety " Danzashow "belonging to the Artistic Talent Depto. of Cuban Television.

The 25-Febrero-2000, was published a Report in the German Magazine that is detailed next, on the dance classes that the professor Barata imparts

In the picture the central page of the Report made by the German Magazine Suddeutsche Zeitung Magazin. No 8 of the 25-2-2000 on the classes oaf the dance professor's Ramón Barata Rubio

A detail of the Report where you see the professor Ramón Barata Rubio imparting dance classes to actor Peter Lohmeyer (main character of the Cuban movie "Being Made Swedish")

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