A Collection of Shadowrun Related Links
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Computer programs for Shadowrun (alphabetic order)
- Cyberspace/Matrix Tools
for Shadowrun -- Interactive Matrix Run with 3D graphics
and sound (Shareware).
- SRMCP --
Combat Simulator for Shadowrun. (Freeware)
General Shadowrun Sites
- Shadowland Mush and more! A must visit.
- Gurth's Pages A must visit.
Geocitizens with Shadowrun Pages and Their E-mail Addresses
This is basically what you will find, searching for keyword Shadowrun.
I did the hard job to review some pages for you and wrote a little comment here.
- Lucky's Shadowrun Homepage (running law enforcement campaigns, martial arts rules, much much more) Lucky208
- The Sparrow's Nest (Some totems, archetypes and contacts, the "Barrens Catalog".) Sparrow
- The Shadowrun Pitstop (-Shadowrun links, people, @ the 4D Manipulators!) Walker of Shadows
- Ripthorn's Shadowrun Page (This site explores the British SAS (Special Air Service) and other stuff) Ripthorn
- Le cyber Kobold (french fanzine)
- Le monde de l'ombre (discussion of french rules) from Batude Olivier
- FASA game lover's Home Page (Links and Stories for and from the Shadowrun Universe) The Viper
- The Infinity Point Bar and Grille (Soon to be hosting links to progs., images, other SR pages, etc.) ceedawg
- Dark Alliance (A on-line club for ShadowRun which includes message board games and an area for stories...) Lionness
- Rain's Boring Shadowrun Page (SR military and many links) raingod@oocities.com
- Cyberspace Matrix Programs for Shadowrun (computer program for downloading, many images) icetoaster@oocities.com
- ¥ wistler's Shadowrun Spot ¥ (a single page containing two links) wistler@oocities.com
- dreamcatcher 's Home Page (new combat rules) Graht dbuehrer@carl.org
- Webmage's Home Page WebMage's Page of Darkness (single link to Paolo's Archive) RJO760@aol.com
- azreal's Home Page (single page, two links) jf@soc.unl.ac.uk
- ranmakun's Home Page (plays SR, nothing more) no e-mail
- Lady J's Crypt (SR Webring, many pages)+++ jestyr@faraday.dialix.oz.au
- The Matrix of Cyberon (only one SR link) cyberon@oocities.com
- DKHEART'S Home Page (plays SR, nothing more) shaggy@joshi
- Gremlinn's Home Page (Links and graphics) gremlinn@inet.att.co.kr
- http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/1864/ (Link Page) no e-mail
- Guardian's Home Page Guardian's Home Page (Link Page) s777317@frodo.student.gu.edu.au
- murphball 's Home Page (wrong link to TimesSquare/2055) a_murph7@bass.stmarys.ca
- Runner's Place HOMEPAGE of CHRISTIAN PETERSEN (moved to http://home.pages.de/~papillon) Papillon@xtc.fido.de
- The B Page (now DSA links, german) bastian.boltze@hamburg.netsurf.de
- Schattenlauf WWW Underground Archive (many resources, archive!) schatten@oocities.com
- nycqt's Home Page (female runner, FASA links) hjalvrd@worldnet.att.net
- http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/2262/ (description of some runners, links) no e-mail
- ShadowFreak's Home Page (single page with links) shannon@minn.net
- http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/2821/ (female runner, links to other runners) aekilgr@vt.edu
- WEnutT's Gaming and Music Pagee (single link to Shadowland) sonin@worldnet.att.net
- Korvar 's Home Page (new, still moving in) korvar@oocities.com (*)
- Neverlose's Page of RPG and Hacking () Brook A Keele
- Shadowdancer's Web Page (no SR) sdancer@zenon.logos.cy.net (*)
- Rob's Place (a little bit SR background) robertm@atcon.com
- Cybermages Ethereal Totem: Warlock For Hire!! (SR Shaman? Quake? Confusing, too much graphics) cybermage@pcl.net
- PENANG MENSA RPG SIG (VR Campaigns) no e-mail
- dichead's Home Page (no SR) ziff_zaff@msn.com
- PENANG MENSA RPG SIG (same as above) no e-mail
- The Guide to RPG's in Germany (short SR description) rubbduck@welfen-netz.com (*)
- Welcome to Highmoon - Backdoor (plays SR) d028200c@dcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us
- Da_Worm's homepage (new vehicle rules) robgal@ihug.co.nz
- Draco Nobilis' Home Page (no SR?) no e-mail
- Land of the Bass Head (link to Paolo) leurquis@erols.com
- Blodgett's Necropolis (description of some street gangs) blodgett@oocities.com
- Lord Kern's Home Page (plays SR, FASA link) lord_kern@usa.pipeline.com (*)
- RPG&Games (SR-intro and characters) gothic2@ix.netcom.com
- Welcome to the Tavern (good images, archetypes, ...) blackotter@oocities.com
- DeVelaine's Corner of the Web (Shadowland link) develaine@mail.oocities.com
- The Needle (best link page, Guide to China)+++ erik_the_red@oocities.com
- shadow_kat's Home Page (no SR?) katx@hotmail.com
- Black Lotus's Home Page (Shadowrun E-zine!!!)+++ black_lotus@oocities.com
- Damon's Home Page (SR intro, some links) joedredd@ix.netcom.com
- Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 05:09:34 GMT
Server: Apache/1.1.1 (not moved in)
- Doughboy's Homepage (two links) no e-mail
- FlashDance's Home Page (no SR stuff?) pdboddy@chat.carleton.ca
- cue-tip's Home Page (plays SR, nothing more) zoroas@vbe.com
- Smelly Troll's Home Page (plays SR, nothing more) s943239@gw.mhs.schnet.edu.au
- kralbren's Home Page (plays SR, nothing more) mterry@bville.nwsc.k12.ar.us
- The Sanctum:"Ford`s Heaven of Knowledge" (Stuff he found on the Net, corrupt pages) gutgolf@oocities.com
- Shapcano's Shadowrun story (great original shadowrun fiction) shapcano@oocities.com
Not found by Geocities-Search, but nevertheless great Shadowrun pages:
(*) means problems with e-mail address, perhaps a typo. Try out yourself.
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Please write me for additional resources. Sorry for some rough or
wrong comments, please correct me:
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