

Home ] Appeasing minorities ] Population of Minorities ] Hindutva ] The Partition ] secularism ] Personal Law ] Myths of Ancient History ] Ayodhya ]


Myths are integral to communal propaganda. There are scores of them disseminated through both traditional and modern network of communication at the command of communal organisations.

This guide picks up some of these myths and presents facts to counter them. The myths chosen are 
Appeasement of minorities , Population of minorities , Hindutva , The Partition, Personal Law , Secularism and Myths of Ancient History (a- Aryans were the original inhabitants, b- The Indus Script is Vedic script)

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HINDU ,Dalit, Muslims, INDIA , 

Fascism, Nazism, GenocidesHuman rights

Indian fascism :Intro,Myths, Organizations, Cultural Fascism,Babri Masjid, Bombay Riots , Role of Govt. 

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Last updated: February 23, 2000 .