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Japanese Wedding Sake Ceremony Tradition and Customs
Japanese wedding sake ceremony tradition and custom for the japanese wedding toast san san kudo. How to perform the traditional japanese wedding toast.

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Japanese Wedding Sake Tradition
The sharing of sake is one of the oldest traditional Japanese wedding ceremonial customs dating back to the 8th century. The sharing or toast of sake symbolizes a formal bond between the bride and groom.



japanese_wedding_sake.jpg (24797 bytes)The exquisite miniature sized sake set consists of three flat cups escalating in size. Starting with the smallest of the three cups, the groom will lead taking three sips and then the bride. They will then proceed to the middle size and then to the large. At the conclusion of the sake toast ceremony, both families drink a cup of sake to signify not only the union of the bride and groom but the unity of two families. This beautiful custom is called San San Ku Do, which means "three sets of three sips equals nine".