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The Little Dog JOSCHI Introduces Himself

Joschi IJoschi IIJoschi IIIJoschi IV

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My Favourites

End to Animal Cruelty

I support the right of people to own animals, as long as they do so in a responsible way.


People of the WWW Helping Other'sYou can never have too many HUGS


Free GreetingsPawprints On The HeartChazhound Doglinks


Animal's Voice

Petsburgh Post

Fuzzydog Coolpets

Pet Lovers Banner

Yellow Line

Visit Asasha, the Peke with no eyes!

Yellow Line

Stop the Hate

Stop the Hate

Yellow Line

Rainbow Bridge In Memory Of Innocent Animals!


Love, love, love,
All you need is love.

Have a Kind Heart!True friendship begins with Acceptance


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The URL of this site is http://www.oocities.org/joschidog/index60.html
Copyright © Ulrich Leive