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The Little Dog JOSCHI Introduces Himself

Joschi ¿ by Ulrich LeiveJoschi © by Ulrich LeiveJoschi ¿ by Ulrich LeiveJoschi ¿ by Ulrich Leive

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MY AWARDS © by Ulrich Leive

Various Awards I

I would like to thank all the wonderful people who have bestowed their awards upon this site!

Top 50 Sites
The Most Awards Earned By A Personal Homepage
Top 50 Sites

Currently 1530 Awards
148 Awards *Only the Best*

Artist at Work
Top Ten Most Awarded Site

Artist at Work

My NEWEST Awards

Awards Index

Comments on awards

Hall of Honor
Award Sites! - Hall Of Honor Site
Only 3 Recipients (August 2000)

World's Certified Largest
The World's Largest Website
With Awards Received By A Dog
World's Certified Largest

Lowchens TOP 10 Award

It's nearly incredible...
Within a year...

Yrsa Liked This Page! / The former URL is no longer valid!

Award for Artistic Excellence
Award #1
Award #1000

Only the Best Banner

Starsaber's Award of Excellence / The former URL is no longer valid!
World Best Web Site

Signature Award for Web Design
Award #1
Best of all
Award #100
Award Sites! - Level 4.0
Only the Best - Level 5.0
Only the Best - Level 3.5

*Award Sites!* Ratings

174 Personalized Awards

Award Sites! - Level 5.0
Have a look at 11 high-ranking awards

Award Sites! - Level 4.5
Have a look at 17 high-ranking awards

Award Sites! - Level 4.0
Have a look at 39 high-ranking awards

Award Sites! - Level 3.5
Have a look at 80 high-ranking awards

Award Sites! - Level 5.0
Have a look at 123 awards

Please note, some awards are displayed more than once in different categories,
but they are not counted more than once, of course.

Art Line ¿ by Ulrich Leive

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Art Line ¿ by Ulrich Leive

Various Awards - Page 2

Joschi's Page
Top 12
My Friends

My Pet Album
Win My Awards

My Favourites
My Town
Web Rings

Joschi and Ulli ¿ by Ulrich Leive

[ Awards Index | Various Awards 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | Level 5.0 | Level 4.5 | Level 4.0 | Level 3.5 | Level 3.0 | Personalized Awards | General Awards | Special Awards | My Awards / Rating | Win Joschi's Award | Joschi's Top 12 ]

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Art Line © by Ulrich Leive

The URL of this site is http://www.oocities.org/joschidog/index7.html
Copyright © Ulrich Leive