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THE SOMALI LANGUAGE PAGE The resources, the links, the information on the Somali language. La page du somali - langue. Des ressources, des liens, de l'information sur le somali et d'autres langues. Bogga Af Soomaaliga Warka, tixraaca iyo aqoonta ku saabsan af Soomaaliga.
Learn Somali
Through the Internet
· · Introduction au somali (français)
Une simple introduction au somali (par M. Diriye Abdullahi). A simple introduction to Somali in French by M. Diriye Abdullahi.
· · Beginning English for Somali Speakers - Barashada Bilowga Ingiriska
Intended for learning English, it might also be of use to those learning Somali; a short English-Somali, Somali-English is provided.
· · Aquarius Database for Translators
· · Atril Directory of Translators.
Go to/Naviguer vers:
A comprehensive list of works on the Somali language in all fields, phonetics, syntax, language learning, etc.
Une bibliographie quasi complète sur le somali dans les domaines linguistiques.
Une bibliographie sur les langues couchitiques et sémitiques parlées en Éthiopie par Rainer Voigt.
A bibliography for the study of the above. Une bibliographie pour l'étude des pidgins, des koïnès, des linguas francas, et des créoles en Afrique.
Anyone is welcome to contribute a manuscript to this collection. You will choose whether you want to present it in a publicly accessible form or in a form accessible only to specialists (in pdf with a password) for copyright reasons.
papers. To view these files, you need
the adobe acrobat reader, available at: To read my articles you will need a password---I must protect my
copyright; to get the password for a particular manuscript, send me an email
with: a) the title of the manuscript; b) your credentials as a researcher
(university affiliation, specialty, present project for which you are searching
documentation, etc.). After you get the password, simply click on the file, and
enter the password.
Some of my postings in
linguistic forums about the Somali language:
Generally these are unedited, as usually postings are.
· Message 2: Re: 9.397, Disc: State of Comparative Linguistics 20 March, 1998.
· · Re- 10.602, Disc- Possession in Hebrew 27 April, 1999. (Actually a comparison between possession in Somali and Hebrew)
In: Historical Linguistics Mailing list
· · Item #948 (31 Jan 1999 18-37) - Re- Arabic and IE
· · Item #1055 (10 Mar 1999 10-16) - Re- Ma'a (Some history of Somali migrations)
· · Item #1049 (8 Mar 1999 08-46) - Re- Ma'a (Some history of Somali migrations)
· In: Comparlingafric list
· · in H-Africa
o o Benadir History
o o Continuity in Egyptian Civilisation
o o Some literature on Arsi (Oromo)
o o Teaching the Rwanda Genocide
Somali language in the LCTL project at the University of Minnesota. (Le somali au sein du projet LCTL de l'Université de Minnesota, USA.)
The Somali language in the Universal Survey of Languages Project. An ongoing work.
Le somali au projet Étude universelle sur les langues du monde.' Un travail inachevé. Wali baac kama qodna.
Biber, Douglas.
Look-up the different branches of this group of languages of which Somali is one. These languages are, except for the Semitic branch, spoken in Africa, the original homeland for the whole family.
Text, Literature --- Texte, Littérature
(For Somali poetry, songs, etc) (Pour la poésie, la chanson somalienne etc.)
For somali literature; pour la littérature.
Text books, booklets, audio tapes, for schools, governmental agencies and social services agencies in immigrant languages including; Somali, Nuer (Sudanese), Arabic, and other languages.
Dictionaries --- Des Dictionnaires en ligne
· · Somali-Italian-English Mathematical Dictionary
· Somali Language . Écouter des émissions en somali, c'est possible maintenant à l'Internet. Dhagayso idaacad af Soomaali.
o o Somali Voices [Codka Soomaalida]
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©Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi. 10 December, 2001