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Breed of the Month
The Beagle
Pictured above: Katie - A 3 year old Beagle owned by Dorothy Nacarato of Fairview Park, Ohio
Did you know:
Beagles are approximately 13-16 inches high and weigh between 18-30 pounds.
They exibit the following personality traits: affectionate, cheerful, clean, tranquil, and pleasing!
Beagles are said to have harmonious voices!
Beagles are known for their hunting abilities and are specialized for their hunting of hare, pheasant and quail.
The Beagle was probably developed in Elizabethan times by crossings between the harrier and the ancient English hounds.
Beagle Links
The Beagle Club of NSW Inc Breed Information
Beagles in Cyberspace
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