Every animal lover has at least one
special pet in their lives. Submit your application today to have your pet "Featured"
on this site. Don't worry, your pet doesn't have to be a "Lassie"
or a "Morris the Cat", just a devoted loving member of your
family! Please fill out the form below. You will be notified via email when
your pet will be featured. *NOTE - In order to feature your pet, you must
have a picture of your pet scanned in either .gif or .jpeg format!
The Featured Pet Application form has been temporarily suspended due to so many applications for beautiful pets to be featured! As soon as the very backlogged owner of this website clears out the queue of pets waiting patiently to be featured, we will once again be accepting applications. In the meantime, if you have a website featuring your pet, why not apply to win the Dog Day Afternoon Awesome Site Award?