Stafford, Connecticut

Its people and its history

Including Stafford Springs, Staffordville, West Stafford, Stafford Hollow, Elliothorpe, Furnace Hollow, Hydeville and Orcuttville

Stafford Illustrated Stafford Illustrated compiled and printed by William Young, 1895. some of the following photos are from this book. The picture on the cover is the Spring House.

Furnace Hollow (Stafford)

Furnace Hollow HotelThe Furnace Hollow Hotel at the corner of East Street and Patten Road.
My great great grandfather, John Elliothorpe Washburn had a grist mill here.


Staffordville map
My great grandfather, George Pinney Andrews and his father, Robert Warren Andrews lived in Staffordville, near the reservoir. Their houses still stand.

Stafford Springs

Stafford Springs

Old Fairgrounds The Stafford Fair Grounds ones stood on the spot where The Stafford Speedway now holds forth. My grandmother sneaked into a sulky race dressed as a boy probably back about 1885.
bankThis is a postcard with a picture of Stafford Savings Bank.

West Stafford

Old HomesteadMy great grandfather John Randolph Washburn lived in the center of West Stafford at what is now the corner of 190 and Hampden Road. He wrote about the various businesses there, and he also wrote about the taverns and hotels.
churchThis is the Second Congregational Church, the photo by Mark Davis. The Reverend Joseph A.C. Wadsworth III is writing the history of the church and has published the first volume which includes 1754-1900 along with a history of the area. The Davis family were early settlers in West Stafford and the largest land owners, and Mark Davis has written about their history on his web site.


My Great Great Grandmother, Lois Cushman White, ran her boarding house here for years after her husband Charles died in 1845. Her boarders were workers in the local factories. Charles White has remained very much of a mystery to his descendants.


Tolland county
Sue's Genealogical Page
John Randolph Washburn's Page
George Pinney Andrews' Page
Robert Warren Andrews' Page

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