Chrysalid Matrix

Max Forward's true legacy was a reversal of fortune. Increasing security violations left mega-corporations in constant, sometimes irreparable disarray. Many runners were so successful in their endeavors that they simply had too many resources available not to "sell out" (or "diversify," as Habeas Punter so coyly puts it). Either they were hired as security consultants (a futile response), or they established businesses of their own.

But every silver lining has its own dark cloud. In spite of the gradual recession brought on by thwarted revenues (a recession aggravated by the lack of global governmental controls, controls against which Big Business had all too successfully striven), some industries can profit from the fortunes of any war.

In the case of this war, any entity able to rebuild security controls, able to protect its own data, would thrive. And any entity willing to share its secrets with others, in return for, not money, but control, in return for shares, in return for long-term contracts, in return for permanent controls, would be cast so broad as to be a veritable empire.

And any man able to build that empire, to control it, a man able to forget who he was and think only of what he might become, why, that man would be Midas himself.

Midas, indeed.

Midas, the Catalyst. Midas, the Transmuter. Midas, the Philosophers' Stone. Midas, the Agent of Your Change. You can (must!) run from him. Or you can be conformed (subverted! co-opted! sold off!) by him. But you cannot be indifferent. You cannot stand your ground. You cannot appeal.

For, contrary to the old stories, there is nothing, there is no one, there is absolutely nothing Midas loves.

Not any more.

The Chrysalid Matrix is an amateur set of 72 cards designed for Runners and Corps. It is not endorsed, sponsored, or authorized by Wizards of the Coast for use with Netrunner.

To access the cards, you will either need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader or a plug-in that allows your browser to view .pdf files. Once you can view the cards, you can print them out on a 8x10 sheet of paper and cut them out for playing use (with card sleeves and a bunch of Netwatch Credit Vouchers, of course).

You will want to download both the Runner and the Corp files. There are two versions of each file. The smaller version is about 30K in size--a much quicker download. The larger version is about 230K in size--the fonts are imbedded in the files and printout that results should be nicer (the formatting will closer to my intention). Other than that, the files are identical.

Runner Lite Download (24k)
Runner Full Download (228k)
Corp Lite Download (24k)
Corp Full Download (228k)

The card set was designed by Skipper Pickle. Len Blado contributed several key ideas (I have stolen them with his permission) and other card ideas were contributed by Russell Mirabelli. Russell also helped me with playtesting. Scott Dickie gave it a thorough going over (and he's probably not done yet).

If you have any comments about the set, contact me at

And I have a thoroughly windy diatribe about what I was thinking as I developed this particular group of cards, but I'll spare you. Maybe later, if you're interested.

Created on:  August 12, 1998
Last updated on:  August 12, 1998
Created by:  Scott Dickie <>