Livewire's Contacts

Here's a list of links to other Netrunner-related websites. If you want it, chances are one of Livewire's contacts has it. And if they don't have it, they can tell you where to get it. If they don't know where to get it, you probably didn't need it anyway.

The Netrunner Vault: the official Wizards of the Coast Netrunner page

The Top Runners' Conference: the official Netrunner players' organization

Weefle Initiation: Skipper Pickle's tutorial website

NetrunnerFrance: an excellent site with a lot of information for French players

Euromarket Consortium: home of the Top Runners' Quarterly newsletter

Rob's Netrunner Node: singles for sale, a Netrunner card database, and other goodies (old)

The Netrunner Weekly: world rankings, articles, deck of the week, and much more (old)

If you have a page, and would like to have it listed here, just drop me a line and I'll have Livewire go check it out.

If you would like to list The Short Circuit as a contact, just copy and paste this URL:
If you would like to list a graphical link to this page, here's a JPEG for ya:

Created on:  August 1, 1998
Last updated on:  February 18, 2003
Created by:  Scott Dickie <>