
Looking to get a little online Netrunner action going? Here's a few links that will help you get started. So wire yourself up, jack in, and go liberate yourself some agenda!

The CCG Workshop's Gatling Engine is the best way to play Netrunner online!
What is the Gatling Engine?
Where can I get it?
Netrunner on gEngine: Here's some specific help on playing Netrunner using the Gatling Engine (coming soon)

Netrunner online shorthand: shortcuts you can use to help speed up those online games

Online play on Interner Relay Chat (IRC):

Using IRC: not my page, but a very good reference on IRC
Netrunner on IRC: use your new IRC skills to get a virtual game going

Netrunner play by e-mail: detailed instructions on how to play a game via e-mail

Online Netrunner league play:

(there are no leagues currently running; e-mail me to have your online league added to this page)

Join the NETRUNNER-L e-mail discussion list:

What is it? How do I join?
The NETRUNNER-L welcome message (see, they told you not to erase it!)
LISTSERV command reference card
WotC has an interactive Netrunner-L Archives

Created on:  August 1, 1998
Last updated on:  February 10, 2003
Created by:  Scott Dickie <>