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Brain Research

Everyone who has something to do with a school, from administrators, service providers, educators, students and parents, will find something useful here. I have collected these links as a service to my web community.

More links will be added as I find the right ones. I have visited every site listed on these pages, but I have not visited every one of the sites they list. If you find something objectionable or very inappropriate, please let me know. If you find any of the sites are no longer on the Internet, I would appreciate hearing from you.

I have noticed that education sites (identifiable by the edu in their addresses) usually last about one year. It is my strong recommendation that if you find a link on one of the edu sites, you should bookmark it, as the next time you return, the page and all the links may have disappeared. I will try to remember to place an * after any edu addresses to alert you.

A plea for signing in my guest book. I am trying to aim my pages and their content for my audience. You don't need to write much, but a small amount of information would be helpful. I am more than glad to exchange e-mail with my visitors also.

New Brain Research and Next Stage Technologies Draw Fifteen Education Associations to a Universal Design Workshop: Consensus Building: Research & Solutions: NCAC: CAST National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum has article from Teaching Exceptional Children, titled: New Brain Research and Next Stage Technologies Draw Education Associations to a Universal Design Workshop."

Brain Research, Curriculum Integration Project, General Education-COOR ISD Extremely brief article on using brain research in the classroom.

Brain Research News - BEEMNET Neuroscience Education 2001 Links for older people, students, and many links on brain research.

Southwest Educational Development Laboratory: Classroom Compass LEARNING ON THE BRAIN (other articles available too.) Brain research, etc. great articles on this site.

Brain research and education policy * Interesting article that will disappear in time.

Music and the Brain - Related Articles Educational research showing the relationship between music and the mind and child development articles.

Dana THE site for brain information!

21st century Learning Initiative Articles, books, "where to begin" and research and development in the nature of learning.

Brain Disorders Network Links to: brain disorders and RX info., decade of the brain, neuro-links, where to get help, publications, and more.

Brain Research - Secondary School Educators - Net Links

Practical classroom applications of current brain research

The NCTM Calls it "Learning Math"

Brain Gym¨ International Site states that BG a trademarked program of 26 targeted physical activities that enhance learning and cognitive abilities. Built upon more than 80 years of research, and developed to enable children and adults to overcome so-called "learning disabilities."

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Updated on: January 1, 2003

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