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A plea for signing in my guest book. I am trying to aim my pages and their content for my audience. You don't need to write much, but a small amount of information would be helpful. I am more than glad to exchange e-mail with my visitors also.

American Council on Education *

National Education Association

National Down Syndrome Society Of course tons of good information

Council for Exceptional Children Parents, professionals & students may join

National Center for Learning Disabilities Some good information about LD - large lists of resources

Learning Disabilities Association of California Has some nice articles: Teacher's role in developing social skills and ADD without Hyperactivity

Center for Applied Special Technology For technical help for students

Prader-Willi Syndrome Association

CH.A.D.D. = Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder Has mucho links. ADD and Adolescence, Strategies for Success from CH.A.D.D., The Disability Named ADD, Parenting a Child with Attention Deficit Disorder, etc. and how to find a chapter near you.

Learning Disabilities Association of America Good organization for parents, students and professionals

American Hyperlexia Association Information on autism

American Council of the Blind Braille Forum, general info., helpful resources

The National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils Promotes national policy on developmental disabilities

Williams-Syndrome Association Good information on this syndrome.

Teens helping teens Page designed by teens for helping teens with learning problems - good page

NAMI ( National Alliance for the Mentally Ill ) Home Page

Consortium for Citizens with DisabilitiesCoalition of "100 national disability organizations". They all work together to advocate for national public policy for: "self determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion."

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Updated on: January 1, 2003

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