A WEB Page of my very own, finally, featuring just ME!! Seems there are a number of pets where I live that are working on WEB pages, and they have pictures and stories about other family pets and friends, but my page is going to be about just ME. My name is Samantha, and as you can see, I am a totally awesome, not to mention gorgeous, totally black BEAUTY, and I DON'T play well with others, Thank You Very Much. I was rescued in the Fall of 1992, and was one of six kittens born in a house that contained over 30 cats, many of which were sick, and none of them SPAYED or NEUTERED. I was one very lucky kitty, but it's pretty easy to see why Mom chose me, as all the others in my litter were black and white tuxedo kitties, and I was the only long-haired, completely black one. Before I go on and on about myself, I would like to stress how important it is for pet owners to have their pets spayed or neutered. I know that I am a very smart feline, but there are just some things pets cannot do for themselves, and we are so dependent upon our humans to handle this sort of stuff for us. So many animals are dumped at shelters, or even by the side of the road. Very few of them will be as lucky as I am to have found a good home. I was Mom's *only* pet for almost a year. We had a great time, and she took me everywhere - even on planes when she had to travel for her job. I used to love to go to Texas during cricket season, and would make sure that Mom's hotel room never had crickets. She would even loan me out to her co-workers so I could take care of all the crickets in their rooms too. Mom started having to travel so much that it got harder for her to take me with her, so she got me a friend. Guess she didn't count on the fact that I wouldn't appreciate a friend . . . who needs 'em when you are as beautiful as me. I really would have preferred to remain an *only* pet. Much time has passed since I first came to live with Mom, and now I have to compete for her attention more than ever - as I am now just one of 3 cats, and we also have four of these long things - I think Mom calls them ferrets. The ferrets are kind of fun to watch, but you will never catch me playing with one of them ! There is *one* thing that sets me apart from all of the other pets where I live, aside from my abundant good looks - I can ignore the word *NO* better than any of us, even if Mom combines using this word with the clapping of hands. You should see me! When Mom does this, like when I decide it's time to sit on the kitchen counters, I just look at her, and without flinching, or even squinting my eyes, slowly roll over onto my side and just stare at her. The other two cats in this house immediately jump to the floor and *pretend* they were never on the kitchen counters! Chickens. I guess there is one other thing that sets me apart. I have become quite large, and definitely outweigh all other pets in the house. Mom keeps telling me that it's getting close to time to put me on cat food for *mature* cats. Fortunately Rose is skinny, so Mom has put off doing this. I just hate it when she starts doing weight comparisons on us, and bringing up the fact that I'm small-boned and shouldn't be as heavy as I am. Ho Hum... Maybe I'll work more on this page later .... right now it's time for a snack and a nap. | E-Mail | Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook | Absolutely, The Coolest Kitty Clubs on the Web! Others have also stopped by!! | Home | Slinky's World | Harley on Patrol | | A Perfect Rose | Digger's Club | Special Memories | |