


The 110 stations of the conscience, IN THE LABYRINTH  of the evolutionary path.



Our way through Life is an intricate Labyrinth  that  leads us from experience to experience and from lesson to lesson, within the great adventure of learning to be the being.

The Question is, either to keep on repeating until death  the role of the greedy monkey that we already know how to play so well …

…or to try   the effort of becoming the universal man or woman first, and afterwards,the cosmic human being that all the good seeds of our kind carry inside.


This game is a guide for the hardy  wayfarers of the Great Path.


In order to remember the complete outline,

go to



Basis of the game


- The 10 perpetual essentials that conform us internally and which always acompany us.
Astral Underworld:


-The 20 faces of the ego, elemental and common emotionallity , that needs to transform into the personal powers of our soul.




  - The 8 stages and the rest of the 110 learning stations, higher and higher, of the human psychic evolution: from the simple potentiality  up to the mastery of living. ( The Higher Arcana  marked out in bold )







2S.gif (3411 bytes)  0 - MYSTERY:

Infinitude impulse.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  1 - AIR:

Lashes of conscience.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  2 - THE FATHER:

My volition to be.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 3 - FIRE:

Voracious realising instinct.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  4 - THE SON:

My transformation program.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 5 - WATER:

Subconscious emotional imagination.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  6 - THE MOTHER:

My inspiring intuition.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  7 - EARTH:

Constructive elements.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 8 - THE GUARDIAN OF THE THRESHOLD:

The logical censor.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 9 - THE LIGHT'S SHADE:

Paralysing fear.


Basis of the game 2:   ASTRAL UNDERWORLD, emotional baggage , faces of the ego, or the stones  that  it  is  necessary to polish:

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  10 - THE BEAST:

The twenty-four heads of selfishness.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  11- VAGABONDAGE:

Dispersed potential.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 12 - ANXIETY:

Compulsive flight from the present.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  13 - SELFCONDITIONING:

Useless library in sleeping brain.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  14 - INCONSTANCY:

Disconcentrating whims.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  15 - ARROGANCE:

Full of just my own emptiness.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  16 - THE BLOCKADE:

Realising cosmic subconscious trapped by my doubts.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  17 - INTOLERANCE:

In possession of the only truth.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  18 - DESPAIR:

Forgetting the love of Life.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  19 - UNCONTROLLED IMAGINATION:

Sliding in the other people's speech.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  20 - BLINDNESS:

The eagle learning  from the crow.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  21 - SEPARATIVITY:

Making the Authentic Me silent.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  22 - AUTOMATISM:

Conscience degraded by routine.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 23 - FALSEHOOD:

Changing the entity for the character.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  24 - VIOLENCE:

Colliding with the living mirrors  of my own negativity.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  25 - SENSUALITY:

Mechanicism and selfishness degrade the  dignifying power of my pleasure.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 26 - APATHY:

Cowardly inattention before the necessary  effort  to change.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  27 - ATTACHMENT:

Decrepit past hindering my conscious advance here and now.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  28 - IRRESPONSIBILITY:

If I am to cause damage  to get it, it is not my necessity, but my madness.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  29 - EXTREMISM:

When polarizing toward the ends, I become that very same that I am attacking.




1st STAGE : WORLD OF ILLUSION. The common path. Earth.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  30 - POTENTIALITY:

Everything is inside me: the radiant eagle that elevates me, or the poisonous snake that drags me to mediocrity.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  31 - THE SEARCHER:

By walking one makes the path, and only by walking.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  32 - ILLUSION:

When I try to adapt myself to systems  created by others, I stray  from the spontaneous  flowing  on my own path .

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 33 - ADVENTURE:

In order to arrive at the Land of Wisdom, I Will drain all my fantasies beforehand.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  34 - THE KNACKS:

Building wobbly castles of traps, ends up substituting my being's pure expression.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  35 - PREPOTENCY:

If I believe that I already know, it is that ignorance has just taken  possession of me.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  36 - DISORIENTATION:

The external speech  and my own fantasies have  dispersed my energies from the attention to their centre.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 37 - ATTENTION !

Involutive energy about to fall on me, if I fall asleep.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  38 - MATERIALISM

Hypnotized by the dominant common speech, I've lost the memory of reality and of myself.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  39 - SLAVERY

Last warning : Awake, consider yourself carefully, brake  your chains, clean yourself , reorder yourself and begin to walk  toward a cycle  of freedom.


2nd STAGE:  INITIATION. Waking up. Saturn

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 40 - SELFEXAMINATION.

I stop and I wonder  what I would truly care  about if I was only left three hours of life .

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 41 - RECOGNITION:

I will make my conflicts disappear  when I understand them  in their ultimate root .

It's worthless  keeping lopping off the branches.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  42 - SURRENDER:

I am surrending  the knacks of my ego, and I subject it to the command of my higher Me .

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 43 - PURIFICATION:

The being shines  in all its power  when it strips off and cleans  off  what didn't belong to it .

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 44 - INTERIORIZATION:

I listen attentively to the inspirations of the inmost feelings  in my heart, I flow  spontaneously in their first intuitions and I don't allow  the ego to distort them  according to its convenience.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  45 - RECEPTIVITY:

I become that upon which I set  my conscience. My receptive attention  to sublimity  gives me wings. My negligence   and my automatism  have tendency  to chain me  to the lowest levels of conscience, where there swarm  the monsters created  by the negligent minds.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  46 - ALERT PERCEPTION:

Not even one of those thoughts  or feelings belong to me. I insist on remaining  in undisturbed   watch of my Real Being, the one that inhabits  Wisdom, behind that curtain of smoke formed by my vain concerns.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  47 - THE TEACHER:

The very Life, the events of my path, the  people that I keep coming across and all mypersonal life experience, they are my teachers  and the only living books that help me  reach wisdom.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 48 - THE LAW:

Each ones deserves what he dreams of .

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 49 - REALIGNMENT:

Rediscovering the function for which I have been conceived .


3rd.STAGE:THE HEART PATH. Getting to know one's own Value. Mars.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 50 - AWAKENING:

For a moment I wake up   my sleeping God  and I remember the paths  which my heart has always dreamed of: Here and now  is the only possible moment  to start travelling them .

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  51 - THE ELECTION :

In order to be able to go on, two main paths open up before me: The  common one, which apparently demands a smaller effort, and the one  of tenacious confrontation  with my contradictions until I am capable of transforming them into my personal powers. It's time to make a decision.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  52 - THE INTENT:

I request from Life that it should keep on facing me with all my fears and inner conflicts  so that  I become a Master of myself  by overcoming them.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  53 - THE PILGRIM:

I know I am  the Way, the Truth and the Life.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 54 - TRUST:

The Universe behaves as if the Gods existed  when I believe so.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  55 - MEDITATION:

I set myself at its service in everything I do… and Life fills me up like a chalice.


4th STAGE: THE MOTHER'S SCHOOL. Developing the Inner Feminine.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  56 - WORKING WITH LOVE:

Just like the grove in its fruits: so I want to fulfil myself .

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  57 - ANIMUS:

I am the force that impels me to co-create  my own destination.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  58 - INDIFFERENCE:

My serene concentration on the construction  of what is new  gives me wings.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  59 - FRATERNITY:

God is my loving relationship with all the other manifestations of Life that I am .


4º ESTAGIO: A ESCOLA DA MAE. Desenvolvendo o Feminino Interno. Venus.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  60 - LIGHTNESS:

When I empty myself  of self-importance, I ascend like a glob.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  61 - SERENE ACCEPTANCE:

I calmly receive the strengthening Life lessons.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  62 - ENTHUSIASM:

An overcome conflict is a new developed power.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  63 - SYNTONY:

I imagine a point in the collective Soul of Humanity whereto I send my best ideas and feelings. By feeding the Planetary Egregor I feel I am also fed by it .

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  64 - HARMONY:

When I undo my frown, I pay attention, I tune myself and I allow myself to be taken  smoothly keeping time with the Melody of Life, I find myself integrated in the Spirit that vivifies everything, as a minimum, yet indispensable chord, of the Infinite Harmony.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  65 - THE INNER FIRE:

Only when I dare cause my inner contradictions to confront, do I generate enough energy to impel my psychic ship to a superior degree of evolution.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  66 - CREATIVITY:

I try, with fluidity and spontaneity, to turn each of my pleasures and pains into a creative act that I humbly offer to the very Creativity.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  67 - POSITIVE SENSIBILITY:

The waves of the sea show us the rhythm of Life , the breathing of the planet: ebb and flow… I adapt myself to the rhythm  and I flow with it .

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 68 - LIFE :

Recapture me  into your breast every cycle, Mother, and bear your eternal Child again.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  69 - EMOTIONAL BALANCE:

When I dispose in its exact place each of the different forces in which Life expresses itself through me, I make myself only one with Life  in all its majesty.


5th STAGE: THE FATHER'S SCHOOL. Developing the Internal Teacher. Jupiter.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 70 - TRANSFORMATION ENERGY.

In order to jump to a new degree of evolution, I must empty myself ofall my possible previous concepts beforehand, as well as calmly get prepared to bear the late disintegration of those that still resist.

71S.gif (2777 bytes) 71 - DISCIPLINE:

I will enlarge my soul with perseverance, until it is able to embrace the Whole again.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 72 - CONSTRUCTIVENESS:

I reorganize my energies to make them raise, with  the gross stones of my psychic basis, the refined pyramid of my own authenticity.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  73 - COOPERATION:

All the wealth and powers of Life pass through me when I join the generous ones, as one more arch of the great  aqueduct of love with which the Cosmos' energy  waters this planet.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  74 - RENOVATION:

A superior cycle of evolution, a higher degree of true maturity  in a human being, is measured  by his cheerful and spontaneous readiness to serve.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 75 - SELF-CONTROL:

I ride on my elementary energies knowingly, while I  learn  how to make  both of my   mind and   of my tongue  instruments of love.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  76 - FONDNESS:

The spontaneous and open expression of affection is the rain that makes grow the garden of love among men.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 77 - MERCY:

To judge, to condemn and to punish is reserved to him alone  who is at such high level that he can see the soul of everything; the most potent weapons of the Life warrior are tolerance, understanding and forgiveness.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  78 - FLEXIBILITY:

I don't set my face against a huge power: I go back smoothly until its moment to weaken arrives and then I move forward, doubtless, up to the end.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  79 - FIRMNESS:

I will be able to build anything if my  base  is well grounded. The greatest solidity of any man is generated by his trust in honesty itself.



2S.gif (3411 bytes)  80 - SELF-REMEMBRANCE:

Any point in the universe can be its centre.The centre of every human mind is that boundless concept that we call God. I will always remember that my home is in the Centre of my mind.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  81 - THE LABYRINTH:

Open your eyes wide: Life is putting you to the test.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  82 - INSPIRATION :

It is very easy to know when God speaks in me: when the noblest and most detached in my soul speaks, God is speaking in me.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  83 - UNYIELDING CERTAINTY :

I know my dream will come true the day I see clearly what I will do with it.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  84 - CHEERFUL GRATITUDE:

And what does Life want  in exchange for all its gifts? What every mother wants from her children :our happines

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  85 - LOVE:

When I am really aware that everything is the same thing, love is nothing but the feeling that naturally   flows from that self-identification.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  86 - ABSOLUTE  SURRENDER:

With my own will and effort, I have come up to where I have been able to. Now I surrender  to my dearest  invisible half, and I wait, watchful and confident, that it points out to me the right path to follow.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  87 - MODERATING  POLARITIES:

Light is light because it leans on shade. I stop fighting against my own half and I concentrate  upon trying to get the greatest  possible profit of the conscious and opportune alternation of my opposed movements.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  88 - ALCHEMY :

I  myself will give birth to a wide mind, plain and subtle, that is the appropriate medium for my conscience, in all levels of reality of my Being.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  89 - SYNTHESIS:

Only when I achieve the harmonic and balanced cooperation of my inner volition and of my inspiring intuition, do I take real possession of my realization potentialities.


7th STAGE: THE END OF THE WORLD: Leaving the old behind. Moon.

90S.gif (3411 bytes) 90 - INTUITIVE PERCEPTION:

When I am  finally empty of anxieties, desires and egoic fancies, I can become a clean resonance channel of the great archetypes that command  the evolution of everything  from the Being's matrix.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 91 - THE SOUL:

Friendly mind, my better half, encourage me and inspire me and, above all, wake me up each time I fall asleep on the Path.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  92 - RECYCLING:

The time has come to stop for a while, to finish digesting what I have assimilatedlately, to get rid again of what doesn't belong to me, and to order and to calmly prepare my personal powers, while I get ready for the definitive step.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  93 - THE GOOD COMBAT:

Without hesitation, I rush ahead into doing what I must do, cost what it may, attentive to the instructions of my Soul, in order to rescue my Authentic Me from all the circumstances that are stopping it from manifesting itself.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  94 - TRANSMUTATION:

Evolutionary Spirit of Humanity, take possession of this medium of yours in the physical level, command my senses, illuminate my mind and make me ready to carry out your objectives

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  95 - DEATH:

You only superlive after self-destruction. Intensity is achieved but at the cost of the ego.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  96 - REGENERATION:

The death of the ego is the fertile seed of my real Me. Our reality is that we are gods embodied in limitation. I am already He Who Is, I just need to wake up, to feel it, to enjoy it to the depth and to stop searching eagerly for vain external dreams.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  97 -THREAD RECOVERING:

When there is no longer anything that I cannot love, everything becomes God before my eyes.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 98 - THE DOOR OF LIGHT:

The moment I am ready, the Door will open up before me. Forward.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  99 - FRESH MEETING:

When I stop searching for, I discover myself. All that completes me hides behind the ghost of what seems I am missing.



2S.gif (3411 bytes)  100 - DELIGHT:

It's time to celebrate and enjoy  my love encounter with Life. I leave everything else and I give myself up to delight.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  101 - UNIFICATION:

I am the conscience aware of itself  and of the conscience of the unconscious. I am the Absolute Conscience.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  102 - SELF AWARENESS :

I am complete when I Am myself.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  103 - WISDOM :

Life is the hide-and-seek game of the Being with himself. I play it intensely, here and now, as if it were my only reality, but I don't forget that it is merely  a temporary  diversion of our Unimultiple and eternal Identity.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  104 - POWER:

The Game of Being the Being is the art of being happy. Happiness happens when I complete myself, by leaving the character and the theatre, in order to surrender to my cosmic being and to feel one with it.There I  find out that in the Being are, simultaneously, Knowledge, Holding and all the powers of Life, unified  at the service of their own harmony .

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  105 - TRUTH:

Finding the Truth means having come, finally, to be only one with My own truth.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  106 - COSMIC SERVANT:

I know that I am one more wave of Conscience helping to cocreate the Universal Life. I know that the happiness of the organassures the happiness of each one of its cells and vice versa, and I joyfully give myself up to my serving.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  107- A COMPAIXAO:

Tendo aprendido que todos somos Um e que a sabeduría, a riqueza e o amor que nao se compartem,  transmutam-se em escura alienaçao, acho que já está na hora de pôr-me a praticar.

2S.gif (3411 bytes)  108 - MASTERY :

As I am able to ascend the highest, I am also able to descend the lowest,neither stopping being the being, nor failing to remember myself too much.

2S.gif (3411 bytes) 109 - THE HELPER:

Knowing the right path well, holding a new and firm memory of myself, I return to the travelling school of daily life to practise what has been learnt, by serving my siblings.




Manuel Costas Castelin

Amazonia 1988


  go to "THE BOOK OF LIFE"

Message revealed to the Rosicrucians of  Portugal



Do you want to see the PAINTINGS by MANUEL CASTELIN that belong together with the glyphs of THE GREAT






ggo to "THE CALL OF ACUARIA", message inspired to Xose Fisterra by the Spirit of the Forest ))


