New Items Posted to this Website

Item                                                         Date Posted

Glenn Reedy's Butcher Block added to Reedy Antiques 12-8-01

Reedy Antiques-pictures of some family heirlooms  11-10-01

Abraham and Eleanor Reedy Photos  11-1-01

Brady Stones in Richland Cemetery  10-29-01

Anny Ringo picture w/ story of John Ringo  10-29-01

Reedy Stones in Greenhill Cemetery in Sulivan, Ill  10-29-01

Reedy School Article  10-25-01

Camfield Cemetery , Moultrie County, Illinois Photos-Reedy Relatives 10-25-01

George Paul Sutton's 50th Wedding Aniversity Pictures   10-25-01

New Loy Pictures: of Esther Loy, Frances Loy    9-26-01
Earl Loy, Erwin Loy, Owen Loy and others

Reedy Reunion 1980-81 Picture                       9-23-01

Susie Dalzell Sutton and Maud Dalzell Hamilton Pictures  9-23-01

Ira Glenn Reedy's Senior Picture                9-22-01

Noel & Ersel Sutton's 50th Ani Picture       9-22-01

Obituaries-Lewis, Sutton, Pasco                   9-22-01

Memories of Margaret Emma Arnold Loy       9-20-01
Written by Esther Francis Loy Reedy

Webrings to Connect to other Genealogy Sites     9-20-01
These are the bottom of the main page

Richard and Dorothy Lewis's Tombstone 9-15-01

Ira Glenn Reedy & Esther Francis Loy's Tombstone 9-15-01

Jane Castor Pasco's picture-My GGG            9-13-01
Grandmother, mother of Eliza Jane Pasco Reedy

Ananias Reedy's Civil War Pension Papers    9-12-01

William Lewis and Jennie Claybaugh Picture in a buggy on their wedding day
Ananias Reedy's Civil War Record        8-20-01

New Sutton Pictures                              8-20-01
Bill Sutton
     Noel and Ersel Sutton at Niagra Falls
     Lewis and Sutton Family and Cemetery

Newspaper Article about Mike Sutton Genealogy Reseach 8-21-01