Cast Statistics
as of 8/11/03
Current Active Cast Members:
Current Defunct Cast Members:
Hartman House is nothing without its cast of characters. They not only provide the dialogue and scenes, but they drive the plot and help to shape the very personality of the house. Hartman House is lucky enough to have a creative and fun cast of characters, who are constantly evolving and changing, and making life at HH more and more interesting!
That said, Hartman House is always looking for new cast members to join our team, whether it is as a servant, a visiting royal, a thief, a workman from town, or something altogether different! We love to say hello to new characters and we hate to say goodbye to old ones. To keep us from losing them altogether, defunct characters are permanantly housed here on the website.
the locations and status of Active Cast Members
the Overview database of Active Cast Members
Click the links on the left
for more information on current and defunct cast members.