
Helpful information for group members, or those who want to learn more about the Victorian Era.  If you know of a link that would be helpful to others, please email and let us know!


Character Pictures:  Though a picture of your character is not required at Hartman House, many of our cast members find it helpful and fun to provide one for the group.  

Victorian Era Photographs of People:  The pictures on this site range from small children to elderly people, all strata of society from domestics to the wealthy, and some professional pictures (vicars, nurses, etc).

Famous Victorians:  Ever want to be someone famous?  You'll find pictures of famed Victorians here, so you can play out their life, or just look like them.

Victorian Erotic Photography:  For those looking for something a bit more risque to represent their character.

More Erotic Victorian Collections:  Even more risque and sexy photos.
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Victorian Sexuality:  Because Hartman House is an adult group, sexuality is openly and often discussed and urges acted upon.  For information about Victorian sexuality, including the toys they played with, check out the links below.

Victorian Leather Impact Toys:  For spanking and other play, authentic pictures and information

Victorian Steroscope Photos: While these are hardly risque by todays standards, these photographs were considered beyond the pale by the Victorians.  These are single photos that were once used in tandem in stereoscopes for Victorian 3-D Porn!

Postures of "Excited States":  Can how you stand or hold your head be an invitation to the opposite sex?
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Victorian Fashion:  If your character wears more than one outfit (Which hopefully they do... otherwise - ewww!) You may want to have a bit more detailed information in Victorian Dress

For the Ladies: Bustles, corsets, drawers, mourning, closures, stockings, buttonhooks, etc. 

Corsets:  From the 1881 Lord and Taylor catalogue.

Dressing the Victorian Lady:  From undergarments on up.

Fashion Plates:  Showing Victorian Fashions from original plates.

The Gentleman's Page:  This site is based on American gentleman's fashion from the Victorian Era.  Though the country is off, the clothing is appropriate for Hartman House as well.

Victorian Parasols:  From what they meant, to how to hold them, to the popular fashions and what they looked like.
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Victorian Language:  The Victorian Era was not so long ago that you need to completely revamp your language, just leaving modern slang out will usually do.  However, for those a bit more detail oriented, you may want to look up Victorian Era slang and common phrases.

Slang for Servants:  Language used by the lower classes in Victorian England.

How to Speak 19th Century:  American in design, but period appropriate for Victorian England.
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Miscellaneous:  Bits and Bobs

Servants and More:  Good site for info about servants & cheat sheets on carriages, popular fiction, gambling, house parties, etc. in the Victorian Era. 

The Gentleman:  General rules of who a gentleman in the Victorian era was expected to be; how to act and behave.

A Grand Victorian Dinner:  Dishes and how they were served.

In the Victorian Kitchen:  Information on how food was prepared, cooking methods, and kitchen gadgets available in the Victorian Era, as well as recipes popular in the era.

Meanings of the Fan:  Or, how to flirt without words.  Just how you hold your fan sends a message, good or bad, to the person you are speaking with.

Victorian Tea:  How to properly serve it, drink it, dress for it, etc.

A Woman's Debility:  The Victorian view on menstruation.

Victorian Etiquette:  Who gets which seat in a carriage and who alights first?  Who gets introduced to whom?  Answers to these questions and more information about smoking, calling, and manners.

Health and Medicine: Medical practices of the 19th Century.

Money Money Money:  Wages and cost of living information for the Victorian Era.

Raise Your Glass:  A collection of Victorian toasts and sentiments.

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