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Air Koryo ( JS ) 高麗航空

Korean National Carrier 朝鮮國家航空公司

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國


Air Koryo's History 高麗航空的歷史


Korean aims to expand foreign operations of its national airline Air Koryo(JS) and add two international airports to its present base in Pyongyang, International Air Transport Association (IATA), which Air Koryo has just joined. The airspace opening will make contribution to international civil aviation as it will facilitate the establishment and operation of new air routes. Although Air Koryo's scheduled passenger and cargo operations were currently limited by its handful of foreign destinations, Korean expect that the volume will be rapidly increased in the near future.

A new international airport was already under construction at the Rajin-Sonbong free economic and trade zone, near the border with China and Russia; another international airport in the near future with the conversion of the domestic airport at Hamhung, South Hangyong Province which serves the port of Hungnam on the Sea of Japan.

Air Koryo, until recently known as Civic Aviation Association of Korea(CAAK), was set up in 1954 to succeed a Soviet-North Korean carrier formed in 1950 during the Against US imperialist War.  Nowadays, employing some 2, 500 staff, it currently operates a fleet of 25 Soviet-built Antonov, Ilyushin and Tupolev passenger and cargo aircraft out of a main base at Pyongyang's Sunnan Airport.

Present scheduled passenger routes link Pyongyang to Berlin, Moscow, Sofia and Beijing. It also flies a regular route to Khabarovsk, Russian to serve Korean contract workers in the logging industry.  It also opened a twice-weekly service to Macau, China.

On top of its scheduled runs, the airline operates charter services to Asian, African and some European countries.  Many foreign airlines had already applied to fly over Korea for saving time and fuel,  IATA says will cut costs for carriers operating in the region by more than US$125 million a year.  The opening will provide a more direct route for the growing air traffic between the USA and China, industry officials say, as well as between Beijing and Tokyo and Seoul.

The Air Koryo would welcome help from the international civil aviation community in providing the facilities that would be needed in the coming years. The foreign currency-strapped country, suffering from the effects of devastating floods in the past few years, will have to bear a heavy burden to obtain the latest navigation, air traffic control and communication equipment to meet demands which are expected to grow rapidly in the near future. 

    以北朝鮮的平壤順安國際機場基地的高麗航空準備擴展她的對外航線、增添兩處國際機場,朝鮮國營高麗航空在1996加入了國際空運協會(International Air Transport Association),朝鮮的開放領空政策,對國際民用航空業有好處,有助建設新的航線。雖然高麗航空的定期客貨航班量受制於外國航點,但期望能逐步加強。一個為位處中俄邊境的先鋒羅津自由貿易區服務的國際機場正在興建當中,另外,位於咸鏡南道的咸興國內機場,亦會被改建成國際機場。

       高麗航空僱用了約2,500僱員,高麗航空(IATA編碼:JS)是北朝鮮唯一的國營航空公司,營運北朝鮮國內航線以及一些往亞洲及歐洲各地點的國際航線。她是在朝鮮戰爭停戰後的1955921日,由朝鮮政府成立的。它原本的名稱是朝鮮民航 ( Chosonminhang ) ,初期朝鮮民航所營運的機隊只有數架由前蘇聯製造的螺旋槳飛機,例如伊-12、伊-18及安-2 1975 年,朝鮮民航的機隊從前蘇聯引進了一部圖-154 ,開始了噴 氣客機的年代。朝鮮民航在1993年改名為高麗航空(AIR KORYO ) 。時至今日,高麗航空仍然在營運一隊全部由前蘇聯製造的機隊,當中包括安-24、伊-18、伊-62、伊-76、圖-134及圖-154

















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