Grand Moff Tarkin
Admiral Piett
Captain Needa
General Veers
Moff Jerjerrod
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Pellaeon
Guard and Troopers
Various Imperial


Captain Needa


WAV: "I shall assume full responsibility for losing them, and apologize to Lord Vader."

Fanfic:  Avenger

Anyone who has seen The Empire Strikes Back knows of the fate of the unfortunate Captain Needa, who found and then lost Vader's quarry, the Millenium Falcon. This is the same scene retold through different eyes and from a very different point of view.

Here's a picture of the beginning of the end.   

Fanfic:  Sometimes You Can't Plan Ahead
The author says:  "I thought it was time for my darling Captain Needa to take the spotlight in a fic. There's already craploads of Luke and Leia and Han Solo stuff out there."  

Needa has an interesting character role in Admiral Piett and the Great Ewok Adventure


The Official Page 
For a while there wasn't anything on our boys in grey, and I shook the dust off my feet.  Voila, they're back again!  

"Solo's on ice. The squid homeworld is dust. In my Empire, Needa's a hero!"   
A very amusing game review.  

Two new stories but they are for adults only!  Liquid Passion and Pretty Boy 

I need Needa stuff!  Come on, if you've got it, send it.  

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Star Wars Imperial Officers, Space Navy, Captain Lorth Needa, Grand Moff Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, Admiral Andries Firmus Piett, General Maximilian Maximillian Veers, stormtroopers, imperial guard, fanfic, fanfiction, fanfix, adult, mature, nc-17, smut, propaganda
Always Under Construction

The fine print (how small can I make this?)... and all the usual disclaimers!  No, I'm not making any money.  It's just for fun.  George, please don't sue me.