Grand Moff Tarkin
Admiral Piett
Captain Needa
General Veers
Moff Jerjerrod
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Pellaeon
Guard and Troopers
Various Imperial

"What if Alderaan Had Not Been Destroyed?"
Sounds like a great idea to me.

Admiral Daala reflects on the challenge of her life without Tarkin


The Land of Lost Dreams
The son of Grand Moff Tarkin comes to visit his father's resting place

The Road to High Rank
Story of how the future Admiral Daala first attracted Tarkin's attention.  This is Part Three of the story of Daala's background; the other parts can be found at the Knight Hammer

The New Recruit by Angel of Iego.  
Episode III era. Tarkin attempts to teach Darth Vader a lesson.


Here's a cool fanart drawing of Tarkin

Sound Files
Huge collection of .wavs of his best lines!  



Visit Villa Galaxia for stories by Gia Alexander  
"This series of short stories, novellas, and a full-length novel chronicles five generations of the Tarkin family, through the waning years of the Old Republic, the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire, and the separation of the Imperial Remnant. The saga centers around the lives of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and his wife, Lady Typhani.  If you are tired of seeing the Empire whipped, then this series is for you."  

Star Trek humor.  "Short but funny, esp. to someone like me who got tired of Pat Stewart's shtick a long time ago..."

And then some stories for grown-up chicks ONLY




A Defense of the Tarkin Plan  And some good pictures too.

Which Actor Might Play A Younger Tarkin?

The Official Star Wars Page
"Yes George, I honestly think Princess Leia's hairstyle would
suit you perfectly!"
"Hold still now! You know your eyebrows need touching up before you can fight the rebel soldiers."

"...and remember, my esteemed colleagues,
a wave of this finger is more powerful
than any Lightsaber could hope to be."

(Captions by Miss Weasel :-)  



Peter Cushing



Peter Cushing Museum

Peter Cushing Tribute Page

Peter Cushing, Actor and Gentleman There's a lovely b&w of Tarkin  

Newly available book, "In All Sincerity, Peter Cushing"



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Star Wars Imperial Officers, Space Navy, Captain Lorth Needa, Grand Moff Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, Admiral Andries Firmus Piett, General Maximilian Maximillian Veers, stormtroopers, imperial guard, fanfic, fanfiction, fanfix, adult, mature, nc-17, smut, propaganda
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The fine print (how small can I make this?)... and all the usual disclaimers!  No, I'm not making any money.  It's just for fun.  George, please don't sue me.