Grand Moff Tarkin
Admiral Piett
Captain Needa
General Veers
Moff Jerjerrod
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Pellaeon
Guard and Troopers
Various Imperial


Admiral Gilad Pellaeon

Hey-- one romantic fanfic in which Pelly appears?  That's enough to start a new section! 

Fanfic:  Academy Days
Han Solo's old flame is now married to Pellaeon.  What will she do when Solo comes back into her life?   


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Mailing list devoted to Pellaeon:

Biography page 

Casting Call!  Which actor might play Pellaeon?



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Star Wars Imperial Officers, Space Navy, Captain Lorth Needa, Grand Moff Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, Admiral Andries Firmus Piett, General Maximilian Maximillian Veers, stormtroopers, imperial guard, fanfic, fanfiction, fanfix, adult, mature, nc-17, smut, propaganda
Always Under Construction

The fine print (how small can I make this?)... and all the usual disclaimers!  No, I'm not making any money.  It's just for fun.  George, please don't sue me.