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Frequently Asked Dead Questions Table of Contents 1. About Us
We have an excellent web site, maintained by Jeff Reed, that will keep you up-to-date regarding local DRS events. In addition, you'll find info on everything you ever wanted to know about running in the DC area. It's a great resource, so bookmark this URL:
Newcomers are always welcome! We tend to run 1-2 hours on the trails, at approximately an 8 minute per mile pace. Bring a water bottle, as there are few fountains along the trails. There is water at Pierce Mill, and along the bike path, except in the winter months. If you are driving from Maryland, be forewarned that much of Beach Drive is closed to traffic on the weekends, so you may wish to use the Connecticut Avenue route, unless you are familiar with the back roads.
To resume receiving the life-giving energy of the list, send the command SET DRSMA MAIL or SET DRSMA DIGEST to the same address.
Sometimes if a site bounces mail repeatedly (due to a full mailbox, for example), you may be set to NOMAIL or DIGEST. You can set yourself back to regular mail by sending those commands listed above. For further listserv info,see the DRS FAQ (send the command GET DRS FAQ to the listserv address),or the reference card (GET INFO REFCARD). I keep the previous week's worth of digests on file, so if you need a copy, let me know. linda wack lindaw@erols.com germantown, maryland FAQ Last Updated 1.23.2002 |