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Metis Culture - Stories and Legends

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Why Dog Stays with Man

By Michael RunningWolf, used by permission

In the beginning, Holy Grandfather (the Creator) made the mountains, rivers, lakes, and streams. He then created all the animals. All of creation spoke the same language...the birds, animals, plants, and man. We know this is so...because the ancestors told us. Why then, can we not understand each other now?

During the time of Creation, Maju'andu, the Evil One, entered into the hearts of men and he taught them how to make bows, arrows, spears, and other weapons. Man began to make war...first on himself...and then on the animals. So, the animals held a great council to determine what they should do concerning man.

Bear was Chief of all the animals at this council. He rose and said: "We must do something about man...his disrespect and arrogance will destroy us all. What shall we do?"

Cougar spoke up and said: "We should make war against man...He kills our family members to eat as food and uses their skins for clothing...and does so without our permission." All the animals agreed and decided to make their own weapons...such as bows and arrows. But when it came time to pull back their bowstrings...their claws cut the strings. They became very frustrated and angry...and ended up destroying all the weapons they had made. In their frustration they wondered what they could do. After much thought the Wolf spoke upand said: "Maybe we should shun man and have nothing to do with him?" All the animals thought it was a good idea and agreed.

But Bear in his wisdom, after pondering what had been said, asked: "How shall we know when man is ready to sit once again at the sacred council to share the wisdom found here? One of us must stay with him...Who will do this thing?"

All the animals fell silent...for no one wanted to stay with man because of man's disrespect and arrogance. As before, all animals stood at this council...Moose, Deer, Carribou, Bobcat, Eagle, Hawk, and all the brothers and sisters of the Bird People. All the plants and animals decided at this council that none wanted to stay with man.

Finally, a voice broke the silence and every eye strained to see the speaker...every ear was intent upon his words as he said; "I will stay with man. I will sleep by his fire and share his food...and every once in a while, I will come before this council to let you know if man is ready to come back and share the wisdom of the Ancient Ones."

It was then that Dog began his journey with man...and every once in a while, Dog will disappear to stand before the animal council to tell them how man has treated him.

The Mi'kmaq people say that the Milky Way is the Spirits' Road...and that each light, or star that is seen, is the campfire of the Ancent Ones. So, when a person dies...they travel the Spirits' Road to visit their ancestors and relatives. As they travel, they will come to a place where there is a wide and deep break in the trail. Laid across that broken trail is a great log. As one steps unto it and looks across the chasm...they will see every dog they have ever owned in their lifetime. These dogs hold that log steady with their teeth...if one has treated the dogs well, the dogs will hold the log steady so the individual can continue their journey on the Spirits' Road...BUT, if the dogs were in any way mistreated, starved, kicked, or beaten...they may not hold that log so steady, and the offender might slip off and fall from the log...apj'ewe (forever).

This story, "Why Dog Stays with Man," is copyrighted by Michael RunningWolf who retains all rights. It may be freely copied and/or printed for personal or educational use as long as it is duplicated in its entirety, with no additions or deletions, and includes this copyright on all copies. The article may not be copied or used in any other printed or electronic format or on any internet pages without written permission by the author. Links to this article are welcome.

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