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About Clans: Who, Where and How

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Metis Nation of the South - Clans

A clan is most often defined as a group of people, usually related by family ties, and often under the leadership of a patriarch or matriarch depending on the tribal customs. Depending on the circumstances of their birth and upbringing, some Metis do not identify with a particular clan, or may not know their own clan affiliation.

A member of MNS may want to establish their own clan within the Metis Nation of the South. They basically have two choices: one can follow the Native American side of their heritage where the Clan is based on a matrilineal system, or they can follow the ancient European side where the Clan is based on a patrilineal system (an example would be the Scottish Clan System).

Perhaps not so suprising, the two systems are operated in almost the same manner. They are both have Clan Grandmothers and Grandfathers, as well as Clan Mothers and Fathers. The Clan Grandmother is the keeper of the sacred medicine bundle from which the Clan derives its right of existance in most traditional Native American Clans, and who, in conjunction with the Clan Mothers, generally has the authority to set policy for the Clan as a whole.

The Clan Grandfather carries the Clan name in European Clans and who, in conjunction with the Clan Fathers, is generally responsible for ensuring that the policies established by the Clan Grandmother are implemented.

A person can also be adopted into a clan. Clan adoption is an almost universally accepted means of admitting "outsiders."

Establishing a Clan within the MNS varies little from the establishment of a Band; except that where a band is most often defined by its territory, a Clan is defined by family relationship. Members of a Clan can be spread out across a state, a country or a world. Where they live does not define in any way who they are.

Guidelines for Clan formation are outlined under section 7.1 of Title 4. The application form can be as simple as a letter, if it meets all the requirements of Title 4 and the Clan members are also members of MNS. Or, you can use the OVR Band/Clan form.

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