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Official Government Roster Of the Metis Nation of the South
Executive Branch
Executive Officers:
National Chairman: Jim SpiritMasterWolf Lacey
Deputy National Chairman: Michael Rondot
Executive Cabinet:
Public Relations Coordinator:
Ambassadorial Council:
District 1: Lloyd Skanks
District 2: Vance Hawkins
District 4: Catherine Bogan
Membership Council:
Deputy National Registrar: Christopher UrbanSpiritWolf Lacey
Assistant Registrar for Enrollment: Vacant
Enrollment Committee:
Committee Member for Enrollment - Vacant
Committee Member for Records - Vacant
Assistant Registrar for Registration - Vacant
Registration Committee:
Committee Member for Registration - Vacant
Committee Member for Records - Vacant
Legislative Branch
National Council:
Council President: Michael Rondot
Speaker Pro-Tem: Open
District 1:
Position 1: Jerry Ghost Buffalo Hale
Positions Open: 7
District 2:
Position 1: David J. Emswiler
Position 2: Derek Fields
Position Open: 5
District 3:
Postions Open: 3
District 4:
Position 1: Gerald Two Hearts Bogan
Positions Open: 2
District 5:
Position 1: Randy LaRocque
Positions Open: 4
District 6:
Position 1: Ruby Batoche Scales
Positions Open: 7
District 7:
Positions Open: 13
District 8:
Insufficient Population
District 9:
Positions Open: 5
District 10:
Positions Open: 1
Judicial Branch
Judicial Appeals Tribunal:
Position 1: Chief Tribunal Judge: Vacant
Position 2: Sandra Gardner
Position 3: Vacant
Districts of the Metis Nation of the South
- District 1 - California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, Northwestern Mexico (Baja California, Chihuilla, and surrounding states)
- District 2 - Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Missouri, Northeastern Mexico (Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, and surrounding states)
- District 3 - Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama
- District 4 - Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina
- District 5 - Georgia, Florida
- District 6 - All states of the Contiguous United States north of Districts 1 and 2
- District 7 - All states of the Contiguous United States north of Districts 3, 4, and 5
- District 8 - All other states of Mexico and any territories or possessions thereof
- District 9 - All of Canada and any territories or possessions thereof
- District 10 - Alaska, Hawaii, and any territories or possessions of the United States
To see a map of the districts, click here.
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This is the official website of the Metis Nation of the South. If any other site purports to be the official site of this nation, please contact the webmaster.