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Why Women Get the Last Word

By Michael RunningWolf, used by permission

Have you ever wondered why it is, that no matter what the subject, no matter what the issue...that woman gets the last word? Have you ever wondered why she always gets the "Last Say"? Well, this is how it came about:

In the beginning of things, when Kesoulk (the Creator) first made the world ...He created the mountains, and rivers, and rocks, grasses, trees, rivers, lakes, and streams...He created the water beings and the bird peoples...the four legged and the belly crawlers...then He created Man and Woman, and placed them in their own lodge next to a beautiful lake.

Then Nis'gam (Holy Grandfather) sat upon the sacred mountain of the Wabanaki ...the mountain we call "Katahdin", the great and windy mountain. As the Holy One sat there, He looked about at all He had created. Everything was in balance... everything was in harmony. He was greatly pleased...about everything, except for man and woman. For some reason they were always arguing...about everything!

So, Holy Grandfather decided to pay them a visit. He appeared before the entrance of their lodge and scratched at the hide-flap...because in those days we didn't have doors as we do today...both man and woman greeted Him at the entrance. Both man and woman invited Him to sit down by the fire.

When the Holy One sat upon a white bear-skin beside the fire...He looked at the two of them and said: "What seems to be the problem?"

At that, both man and woman began to talk at the same on either side of Him...causing so much confusion that Holy Grandfather couldn't understand a single thing that either one was saying.

He held His hand up and said: "Wait a moment!" He then turned to the man and asked: "What is it that I can give you, that you believe will bring peace and harmony once more between you and woman...and the rest of creation?"

Now, man sat for a long time...thinking about what the Creator had asked of him. It must have been hours that he sat pondering and staring through the flames of the fire. When man finally looked up, he said: "I do all the hunting. I do all the fishing. I built this lodge...and I am the protector...I should have first say."

"Ah..." said Holy Grandfather: "It is true that you do these should have first say."

Now, woman was sitting there the whole time...listening to man. "How dare he!" she thought to herself: "The audacity of my lodge...and before the Creator no less!"

Nis'gam then turned to the woman and asked her: "What is it that I can give you, that you believe will bring peace and harmony once more between you and man...and the rest of creation?"

Woman, she too, looked through the flames of the fire...but when she looked up, she had a grin from ear to ear...and a sparkle in her eyes that danced like the flames of the very fire that sat before them all...and she said: "If he can have the first say... then I want the last!"

"E'e. (yes)" replied Holy Grandfather and He granted her that right. So it has been ever since...whether under her breath or behind the man's back...woman has "Last Say"...well...except when we men say: "Yes, Dear."

Now, the only things I can add are these: 1) We as men just hope that the sisters just don't rub it in so much. And, 2) Brothers, realize that if you say anything after she has had the "Last Say"'s only the BEGINNING of another argument.

So, that is the way it was...and that is the way it is...even to this day.

This story, "Why Women Get the Last Word," is copyrighted by Michael RunningWolf who retains all rights. It may be freely copied and/or printed for personal or educational use as long as it is duplicated in its entirety, with no additions or deletions, and includes this copyright on all copies. The article may not be copied or used in any electronic format or on any internet pages without written permission by the author. Links to this article are welcome.

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