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From the June 6, 2001 Issue

Moving toward Metis 'Recognition' -- Article 2

EDITOR'S NOTE:The following article is written by Ken Nadreau, National Director of the Metis Nation in New England. This is the second in a periodic series looking at the movement toward international recognition of the Metis (mixed blood) People.

The Metis in the U.S. -- Where are we now?

The easiest and fastest reply to this question is: We are in progress! "Rome wasn't built in a day" as the saying goes, nor can we expect the Metis presence in the US to suddenly spring into an empire overnight. We are not involved in an EVENT, but rather a PROCESS of growth and expansion.

Each contribution of effort and idea brings us further down the road to success and recognition. But each of us has to be on the journey to fruition before it will happen. No one can stand on the sidelines, nothing will be achieved by watching and wondering. Rather than asking "how come. . .?", each of us needs to find answers and solutions that will satisfy all of the questions.

Progress has been made! We have determined several key facts that will take us where we want to be. However, we need to follow a set course with a lot of internal help to achieve our goals.

Firstly, we know we have to unite. No single metis person or organization will accomplish the desired results alone. That's why the U.S. Metis Alliance was formed. This Alliance encourages groups of Metis people to join in and contribute to the whole with fresh ideas and experience. It is an enabling entity to allow all Metis in the U.S. to have a part in the develoment of U.S. Metis policy. It also serves as an "Incubator" for smaller groups to develop into full fledged nations who are better able to serve a wider group of members and have more political clout to stand with us in our efforts to bring a solid Metis Front to the world scene. Each nation that is brought to maturity through the U.S. Metis Alliance will be in the position of a sovereign nation according to International Law and will be a self governed partner of the U.S. Metis Alliance. No central body will have control over the nations or the people!

Secondly, we know we have to take it slow. So many times organizations, especially indigenous organizations lunge forward seeking recognition from the powers that be. Most often these groups find themselves at the mercy of the Federal Governments and subject to the rules these governments inflict on them. Restrictions far out number benefits. They are given "carrots on a stick" which usually are the programs and benefits they desperately need, only to find themselves controlled by an outside government bureau who is slowly withdrawing the "carrot" until they are left with nothing and no way of recuperating.

The only way we will succeed is through sheer numbers of nationally registered Metis working within their nations, with the U.S. Metis Alliance to be heard as one unified voice for the enhancement of Metis rights. Once this is accomplished we will better be able to gain the benefits that so many of us need. But once again, this is a process and needs to be handled step by step.

Thus, our task at hand, and not just the existing Alliance Nations, but all of us, is to advertise, advertise, advertise the Metis in the US! We need to make people aware of what Metis is, we need to help other people discover their heritage so they know they have a place with us, we need to educate those people who claim native lineage but have no where to call home, that they have a home here with the Metis people!

Also we need to continue to form Nations in the various parts of the US. The Alliance will help anyone to develop their group, no matter how small to become a nation or if they prefer, a local member group of a nation in the territory they live in. In this way we will gain the number of people we need to stand up for our rights as indigenous people without the worry of regulations from the federals. Having a united front made up of possibly millions of us from all over the U.S. will make the politicians stand up and take notice. We can force them to serve our needs as citizens in their districts by supplying us with benefits for our people.


So, in conclusion, the road is a long one and we have to put on foot in front of he other to get down it. We know that there are some who have needs now, we know that there are some who wish the freedom to cross the border from Canada to the U.S. with indigenous rights now, we now the Metis people in the U.S. are waiting for results. All we can say is that the process is ongoing and we WILL get to where we all want to be. But we have to do it right! We can't make the same mistakes others have.


We need to work together to get there.
We need to grow.
We need to get strong as a united front.

With determination, patience and help of all the Metis people in the U.S., no matter what their talents are or abilities, we can do it!!


Ken Nadreau
National Director
The Metis Nation in New England

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