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-By Aldrea Falan-
- Fan Chara Art Coming Soon-
Aka Bom-A pic of Aka drawn on the computer!
Pipo- A pic of Pipo drawn on computer again!
Rui Rui- Drawn on the PC yet again!
Aka Bon- Cute picture of Aka.
Aka Bom IV- Aka from IV series! This is real cute!
Aka Bom V- A sketch of a very beautiful-looking Aka!
Aka et Kuro- This is a sweet sketch of Aka and Kuro
Chibi Aka Bom Hime- Aka Bom from V as a little girl.
Sleeping- Aka fell asleep while doing her homework! Is that Kuro there at the door?
Older Princess Aka Bom-Aka in this pic has Purple's physique! This was from a dream.
Cute Aka Bom- What a cute Aka Bom! She looks very genki here ;).