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-Anime Info-
Shiro: This contains infomation about the B-Da characters from this anime!!
Aka: Not only the people, but the pets as well!
Momite: And most importantly the Dark Beings!! *rubs his hands together*
Shiro & Aka: What are you doing here?? *both beat up Momite Bom*
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~Main Characters~
Japanese name: Shiro Bon [Bom]

English name: White Bom

Age: 12 years old

Perceived as the leader of the Bom group, Shiro Bon is cheerful, energetic and playful. He is also helpful and determined, even though he can be clumsy, and become confused and childish.

  • Japanese name: Ao Bon
  • English name: Blue Bom
  • Age: 12 years old
  • A technical expert whose very intelligent with computers and machinery. Ao Bon is smart, and does things logically, although he is very anxious most of the time and is shy around girls. He secretly has a crush on Aka Bon.
  • Japanese name: Kiiro Bon
  • English name: Yellow Bom
  • Age: 13/14 years old
  • This yellow B-Daman is greedy, mischievious and loves to tell jokes that people find very lame. He loves to make money, which would explain why he has so many part-time jobs, and attempts to set up his own retail business. Kiiro Bon loves to get attention and want people to look up to him. He dreams of being rich and meeting lots of pretty girls. Is jealous of Kuro Bon.
  • Japanese name: Aka Bon
  • English name: Red Bom
  • Age: 12 years old
  • Aka Bon is sweet, kind-hearted, strong-minded, generous and understanding. She loves animals, and her dream is to become a B-Da animal scholar one day. This girl likes romance and to bake delicious cakes. Although she wants to promote peace, she can have quite a nastyt temper if someone gets on her nerves. Aka Bon has been in love with Kuro Bon ever since he saved her life.
  • Japanese name: Kuro Bon
  • English name: Black Bom
  • Age: 15 years old
  • Older and more mature than the rest of the Bom group. Kuro is intelligent, serious, strong, and mysterious. He shows up to help the rest of the Bom group, and disappears when help is no longer needed. Kuro is a skilled, expert fighter who appears to be harsh, but deep down he has a good heart. The black B-Daman seems to have some romantic feelings for Aka, but he doesn't express it.
  • Japanese name: Dr. Glay Bon
  • English name: Dr. Gray Bom
  • Age: 80 years old
  • This genius inventor is the one who builds the B-Da robots for Shiro, Ao, Kiiro and Aka., so that they can destroy the evil beings Dr. Hakase is the grandfather of Ao Bon, who helps him build the robots which are kept in Dr. Hakase's laboratory. His teacher and mentor, Dr. Master Bom, was the one who taught Dr. Hakase and Dr. Shado Bom everything about mechanics and technological science. Hakase is quite lively and active for an old man, and has an optimistic view on things.
Song Lyrics
-Fan Work-
Fan Art
~B-Da Pets~
Fan Comics
Fan Fiction

Japanese name: Kazemaru

English name: Windbird

Owner: Shiro Bom

Shiro's pet bird loves to fly around freely, and is summoned by his owner's whistling call or cake lure to take him for flights. Shirobon and Windbird argue with each other alot over food, but at the end of the day are really good pals. Windbird just loves to eat cake more than anything!

  • Japanese name: Rui Rui
  • English name: Rui Rui
  • Owner: Ao Bom
  • Extremely smart, Rui Rui helps Dr. Gray build the B-da robots as well as help out with other mechanical work. Rui Rui also monitors for Dark Beings with Ao at the security station. Despite being pink, Rui Rui is actually a male B-Da animal and is crazy for pretty B-da girls, that's one reason why he loves to hang around with Aka.
  • Japanese name: Poni
  • English name: Ponicorn
  • Owner: Kiiro Bom
  • Kiiro's pet is a crazy, silly horse who helps his owner with whatever plans he has, be it lame joke performances, trying to get girls, or schemes to make some money. Poni is the only one who finds Kiiro's jokes funny. Weird features of Poni are tat he's always wearing sunglasses and has an ear of sweetcorn sticking out from his forehead.
  • Japanese name: Pi Po
  • English name: Pi Po
  • Owner: Aka Bom
  • Aka Bon is sweet, kind-hearted, strong-minded, generous and understanding. This adorabley cute little creature is Aka's beloved pet and best friend. How she became Aka's pet was when she saved all the B-da animals from attack by a Dark Being, and realising how caring Aka was, decided to live with her. Pi-Po is a very sweet animal who loves nature, places of relaxation and tranquility and especially flowers.
  • Japanese name: Hiryu
  • English name: Hiryu
  • Owner: Kuro Bom
  • Looks dangerous and mean on the outside, Hiryu is actually a kind-hearted yet strong creature on the inside. Before becoming Kuo's pet, he used to train himself in martial arts. Hiryu can also be a bit silly despite looking very dark and serious. He wear a disguise to go into the city to buy equipment for Kuro.
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-Misc. Stuff-
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B-Daman & Pet Adoption