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Episode1: Appearance of the Dragon"

By: Sakaki (Michael Jokoh)
Story Intro
Series Synopsis
Chara Data
Chara Mecha
Two years have passed since the defeat of Veda. (The villain in bakugaiden V) and many things had changed. Akabon was now the queen of B-da land, Shiro and Ao had were now both very experienced b-da cop leaders, Kurobon had (again) disappeared Kiiro had opened a Japanese restaurant and Midori still protected Aka. But our story does not start with them it starts with a small b-daman who lives in the quiet town near the kingdom.

In a small house in the suburbs of b-da land a young lad had just risen from a night's rest. His bedroom was decorated with posters of Shirobon and his friends. Obviously he looked up to them. He got up from bed and went downstairs where his sister and mother awaited him.

"Look who finally woke up." His sister said "Shut up Melody" He said. "Now Now" their mother told them "You two shouldn't fight." She handed her son breakfast. "Yeah but she started it." He said. The lad was a light green b-daman (in fact his whole family was.) On his head he wore a hat that stated proudly on the front "BOM BOM" From under the hat you could see that he had some brown hair and he had black eyes that some what resemble Shiro's. His mother and sister looked kind of the same what with deep blue eyes and brown hair. Then from outside a low rumble could be heard.

"What's that?" the boy asked. Then the rumbling gets louder and it causes the house to shake and knock everything over and causing the three to duck in cover. When it had the boy shook his head in wonder "Whoa that sounded like something big!"

"And something scary." Melodybon said.

Meanwhile outside 4 shapes flew over b-da land. A lone figure on a cliff watches them fly by, and then the figure comes down the cliff gets in a giant robot and flies away. Back at the Boy's house he walks outside to investigate the rumbling sound. He follows the direction that the rumbling went to and leaves, and Soon after his sister follows..

Shiro and Ao find out about the figures and head out into the country side where they are said to be . When they get there the figures are there already and they seemed to have expected Shiro and Ao. Shiro asks, " Who are you? What do you want?" The first figure comes forth and it is a huge dragon!

"That guy sure is big Shiro." Aobon said. He was intimidated by the dragon's size.

"I repeat" Shiro said again "Who are you"

The first dragon replies "We want B-da land."

Shirobon says. "No way! You can't have it!"

The other figures come out and they were also dragons. They were different colors though. One was red one was brown one was blue and the one that Shiro was talking to was black.

"So are you saying you want to fight us?" Black dragon asked

Shirobon replied "If you threaten the peace of B-da land you are our enemies. And enemies must be defeated." The black dragon laughs and this angers Shirobon. Unknown to any of them, The boy had just arrived, and when he saw what was going on he hid in the bushes nearby.

"Oh man!" I can't believe that I get to Shiro in action!!" he whispered to himself.

" So there you are!" a familiar voice said.

The boy turned around to see his sister had followed him. "Not now little sis," He said. "Shirobon is about to beat some villains!"

"Really? Let me see!" she said. She squeezed in with the boy and saw Shiro and Aobon's argument with the dragons. "Oh!" She gasped "Those dragons look mean! I hope Shiro can beat them!"

"Of course he can!" the boy said.

Shiro and the black dragon were ready to fight, but a black robot suddenly appeared. "Heh." Shiro chuckled. "He sure knows just when to show up." The robot lands near them and when the cockpit opens a black b-daman steps out.

"Kurobon! Aoibon said. "We sure are glad to see you!"

"Hmph." Kurobon scoffed "you two are lucky I was around."

"How about lending us a hand?" Shiro asked.

Kurobon did not amuse the dragons. They all used their b-das at once and the blasts combined and turned into a dragon shape.

"Wah!" Aobon cried. "That's some power they have." Shiro countered with his own light ray but the dragon's light ray swallowed it up and it hit Shirobon head on. Shiro flew backward into the bushes they boy and his sister hid in.

"Shiro!" the boy said. He picked up the white b-daman's head. "Melody! You get his legs!" His sister complied and did so. They lifted Shiro away, but Aobon and Kurobon saw the children carrying Shiro away.

"Aobon" Kurobon said. "You go and make sure those kids get Shiro to Dr. Grey. Okay?"

"I got it," Aoibon said. "But what about you?"

Kurobon didn't answer, he just charged for the dragons. Aobon went to follow the kids.

"Now you're alone" Black dragon said. "It's over!"

"What?" Kurobon asked. The dragons surrounded Kurobon and grabbed him. Then they disapeared without a trace.

Meanwhile the boy and Melodybon had just arrived at Dr. Grey's lab. They rushed in with the lifeless Shiro, and found Dr Grey. When the old bom saw that there were two kids in his lab he asked them.. "What are you children doing here?"

"Shirobon is hurt and needs some medical help!" The boy said. Dr. Grey noticed Shirobon with them, and his b-da was low on energy.

"Follow me." Dr. Grey said. The kids followed Dr. Grey with Shirobon. They soon came to his basement and saw a b-da regeneration unit. "Put Shirobon in here." Dr Grey told them, and the kids did what they were told. "So what happened to him?" the Dr. asked. Then Aobon came in.

"I can explain that Grandpa." He said.

After the explanation, Dr Grey scrached his head and said "Hmm. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you."

"That's right." Ao said "But when will Shirobon be back up?"

"It's hard to tell. Those dragons did some damage on him." Dr Grey replied.

Aobon then said "Who will pilot the white gale?" Then the boy spoke up.

"I'll do anything!" he said. "I wanna pilot the White Gale and help save b-da land!"

Dr Grey thought. "You do have the bravery and determination Shiro had at your age."

Aobon said "I could train him."

"Fine I suppose we could let you just until Shiro is back." Dr Grey finally said. The boy whooped with glee.

"by the way kid what is your name?" Aobon asked.

"me?" the kid asked. "Akirabon!"

"Akirabon I hope you're ready to take on your biggest task ever because those robots aren't easy to pilot." Dr Grey warned.

"I'm ready."

Aobon then said. "Then we can start training!"

Meanwhile Kurobon walks from what seems to be the dragon's lair. He looks different. and his eyes are gleaming red.

-To be continiued...-
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