What is Diabetes Mellitus? - KL Kuala Lumpur Thetoleherbs Acupuncture Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Medical Centre Research |
Diabetes Mellitus is a common metabolic endocrinopathy resulting from absolute or relative deficiency of insulin and leading to metabolic disturbance of carbohydrate, fat and protein. Which also shows that the pancreas and spleen's Qi and abnormal functions. The disease is frequently followed by water-electrolyte imbalance and acid-base disturbance. |
According to the age of the patients, clinical manifestations and requirements for insulin, diabetes can be divided into many types.
Diabetes Clinical Diagnosis
The characteristics of a typical case of diabetes mellitus are often polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria and loss of body weight. Early or asymptomatic patients only show abnormal release of cortical hormone and insulin inside the body. The level of fasting blood sugar is elevated with abnormal glucose tolerance test. Symptomatic patients are frequently complicated by other symptoms of dermal, neural and endocrinology disorders, besides polyphogia, polyuria and loss of body weight.
The main complications and concomitant diseases of diabetes mellitus are diabetic ketoacidosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetic renopathy and peripheral neuropathy. Cardiovascular complications are the chief causes of death.
Diabetes mellitus is classified into juvenile and adult types according to the clinical features. The age of onset of the juvenile type is young and has a tendency to inheritance. Blood sugar fluctuates widely and is quite sensitive to insulin. Treatment is difficult and it is often named insulin-depending diabetes or unstable diabetes. The age of onset of adult type is above 40. This type is relatively mild and can be controlled by dietary restriction or oral anti diabetics. Therefore it is also named non- insulin depending diabetes or stable diabetes.
DiabetesAccessory examination
a) Fasting blood-glucose is higher than 130 mg. Blood glucose after meal is more than 160-180 mg. Urine is positive for glucose. If complicated by ketosis, urine is positive for ketone bodies.
b)Glucose tolerance test can be used to diagnose early or suspected cases and is the principle test in diagnosis.
c)New diagnostic techniques such as testing blood insuline levels are quite helpful in understanding the pathological changes of pancreas and in obtaining information concerning Treatment.
There are three main forms of diabetes:
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Gestational Diabetes (or type 3, occurring during pregnancy)
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes develops most often in children and young adults, the disease can be diagnosed at any age throughout the lifespan, and is equally distributed among males and females.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the insulin-producing beta cells within the pancreas are gradually destroyed and eventually fail to produce insulin.
What is Insulin?
Insulin is a hormone that helps the body's cells use glucose for energy. Blood glucose (or blood sugar) is manufactured from the food we eat (primarily carbohydrates) and by the liver. If the cells can’t absorb glucose, it builds up in the bloodstream instead, and high blood sugar is the result. Over time, the high blood glucose levels of uncontrolled diabetes can be toxic to virtually every system of the body.
Because type 1 diabetes is frequently diagnosed in childhood, it is sometimes referred to as juvenile diabetes. However, it can develop at any age throughout adulthood. Early diagnosis is important to prevent some of the more serious complications of diabetes, which include heart disease, blindness, high blood pressure, nerve damage, and kidney failure. In addition to following an exercise and healthy eating plan, individuals with type 1 diabetes require insulin injections.
There are two forms of type 1 diabetes:
- Idiopathic Type 1 - refers to rare forms of the disease with no known cause.
- Immune-Mediated Diabetes - an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system destroys, or attempts to destroy, the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
Immune-mediated diabetes is the most common form of type 1 diabetes, and the one generally referred to as type 1 diabetes. The information on this page refers to this form of type 1 diabetes.
Causes of type 1 diabetes
The causes of type 1 diabetes are complex and still not completely understood. People with type 1 diabetes are thought to have an inherited, or genetic, predisposition to the disease. Researchers believe that this genetic predisposition may remain dormant until it is activated by an environmental trigger such as a virus or a chemical. This starts an attack on the immune system that results in the eventual destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas.
Diabetes disease results from the body's failure to produce insulin, the hormone that allows glucose to enter the cells of the body to provide fuel. This is the result of an autoimmune process in which the body's immune system attacks and destroys the insulin producing cells of the pancreas.
When glucose cannot enter the cells, it builds up in the blood and the body's cells literally starve to death. People with type 1 diabetes must take daily insulin injections and regularly monitor their blood sugar levels.
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes are often dramatic and come on very suddenly.
- Type 1 diabetes is usually recognized in childhood or early adolescence, often in association with an illness (such as a virus) or injury.
- The extra stress can cause diabetic ketoacidosis.
- Symptoms of ketoacidosis include nausea and vomiting. Dehydration and often-serious disturbances in blood levels of potassium follow.
- Without Treatment, ketoacidosis can lead to coma and death
Type 2 Diabetes
In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes too little insulin and the cells throughout the body are unable to respond to the insulin that is produced. The result is a build-up of glucose in the blood, which eventually spills over into the urine. High blood glucose levels are responsible for the many health problems associated with diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult onset diabetes. More commonly, it's called type 2.
Type 2 diabetes generally occurs in people age 40 and older. Unfortunately, in the last few years, this type of diabetes has been found in younger and younger people. In some high-risk groups, it can occur in childhood.
In type 2 diabetes, the body cannot produce enough insulin or the insulin secreted in unable to do its job properly. Either way, this causes a rise in blood sugar.
Causes of type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is becoming better understood. There are many causes and often it’s a combination of several factors that trigger the onset of the disease.
A genetic predisposition, being overweight and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the onset of type 2.
It is now known that several genes are related to type 2 diabetes. Scientists believe that the combined action of several genes causes the disease. The challenge is to understand and identify the mechanisms at work and all the possible combinations that trigger type 2 diabetes.
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes
Diabetes is often subtle and may be attributed to aging or obesity.
- A person may have type 2 diabetes for many years without knowing it.
- People with type 2 diabetes can develop hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome.
- Type 2 diabetes can be precipitated by steroids and stress.
If not properly treated, type 2 diabetes can lead to complications like blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and nerve damage.
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes is a condition that occurs during pregnancy. Like other forms of diabetes, gestational diabetes involves a defect in the way the body processes and uses sugars (glucose) in the diet. Gestational diabetes, however, has a number of characteristics that are different from other forms of diabetes.
Glucose is a form of sugar that is present in many foods, including sweets, potatoes, pasta, and breads. The body uses glucose to provide energy. It is stored in the liver, muscles, and fatty tissue. The pancreas produces a hormone (a chemical produced in one part of the body, which travels to another part of the body in order to exert its effect) called insulin. Insulin is required to allow glucose to enter the liver, muscles, and fatty tissues, thus reducing the amount of glucose in the blood. In diabetes, blood levels of glucose remain abnormally high. In many forms of diabetes, this is because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
In gestational diabetes, the pancreas is not at fault. Instead, the problem is in the placenta. During pregnancy, the placenta provides the baby with nourishment. It also produces a number of hormones that interfere with the body's usual response to insulin. This condition is referred to as "insulin resistance." Most pregnant women do not suffer from gestational diabetes, because the pancreas works to produce extra quantities of insulin in order to compensate for insulin resistance. However, when a woman's pancreas cannot produce enough extra insulin, blood levels of glucose stay abnormally high, and the woman is considered to have gestational diabetes.
Causes and symptoms
Most women with gestational diabetes have no recognizable symptoms. However, leaving gestational diabetes undiagnosed and untreated is risky to the developing fetus. Left untreated, a diabetic mother's blood sugar levels will be consistently high. This sugar will cross the placenta and pour into the baby's system through the umbilical cord. The unborn baby's pancreas will respond to this high level of sugar by constantly putting out large amounts of insulin. The insulin will allow the fetus's cells to take in glucose, where it will be converted to fat and stored. A baby who has been exposed to constantly high levels of sugar throughout pregnancy will be abnormally large. Such a baby will often grow so large that he or she cannot be born through the vagina, but will instead need to be born through a surgical procedure (cesarean section).
Furthermore, when the baby is born, the baby will still have an abnormally large amount of insulin circulating. After birth, when the mother and baby are no longer attached to each other via the placenta and umbilical cord, the baby will no longer be receiving the mother's high level of sugar. The baby's high level of insulin, however, will very quickly use up the glucose circulating in the baby's bloodstream. The baby is then at risk for having a dangerously low level of blood glucose (a condition called hypoglycemia).
Thetoleherbs's Medications Way of Real Natural Diabetes Treatment in KL Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
The special herbal formulas and what to do and what not to do's
Usually it takes between 1 to 6 months for recovery by Thetoleherbs's way of medication. The earlier you come for the Treatment the better change of getting fully treatmentd in the shorter time.
All types of diabetes can be treated, it depends on the lever and how long its been diagnose, mostly be treaded until total recovery and if too late only until stable area even with gangrene conditions we can get it done for no-operations needed by our Chinese Master.
Intensive Diabetes Treatment usually takes 4 weeks to treatment the early stage diabetic.
Normally for diabetic Type 2 usually it takes between 1 to 6 months for recovery by Thetoleherbs's theory of Diabetes medication. The Treatment includes Diabetes acupuncture , Diabetes herbal medicine, Diabetes qi qong exercise and Diabetes dieting therapy, Diabetes Herbs, Diabetes Skin Care, etc. The most powerful Diabetes herbal medicine is our "688 herbal medicine" for curing all these diabetic problems, off cause it comes in different formulas that can formulates for all types and at all stages.
The Diabetes herbal medicine may takes about 1 to 3 months to treatment for the beginner or the patients that have just been detected with diabetes.
When the patient have been suffering from diabetic for more then 1 year it may takes 3 to 6 months to treatment, or if the patient have had it for a long time with the reading being very high we can only treatment him/her with all of Thetoleherbs's medical therapy from about 6 months or more with all of our Acupuncture Herbs Dieting and Qi Qong.
Many a times that when the patients was suppose to go for surgery to cut off their feet or legs, after our Treatment they can keep their feet's and legs (gangrene), that is when the legs turn black and dry.
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Its the natural old form of Cells regeneration of the pancreas and spleen's cells.
Please e-mail to us and we can share it with you.
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e-mail. we can help to guild you from here. |
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