Autism Autism of KL Kuala Lumpur Thetoleherbs Acupuncture Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Medical Centre |
What is Autism? |
Autism Kids have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions and play activities. A single cause of autism has not been identified by the modern world, but current research looks into neuro developmental, genetic and environmental toxic factors. The sex differential suggests a strong genetic component. |
The cause of autism is not known. Research suggests that autism is a genetic condition. It is believed that several genes are involved in the development of autism which we don't believe without data. Research studies in autism have found a variety of abnormalities in the brain structure and chemicals in the brain, which co-inside with our theory of early toxic of folic acid. Parenting behaviors are not the cause or a contributing factor to the cause or causes of autism.
Adult With Autism Symptoms
Adults with autism may live without support may be reclusive or eccentric. Some may live a dangerous and bad life.
Children with Autism Symptoms
Kids with Autism are different from others normal kids. In most cases, autism kids does not developed like others kids, some may be able to show some speech and play at the beginning of childhood time. But between 18 and 36 months old, they suddenly reject people, act strangely, and lose language and social skills they had already acquired.
Autism is found in every country and region of the world. Datas in 2002 shows that there are 3 or 4 people in every thousand and is three to four times more common in boys than girls today the statistic of autism kids are much higher. Girls with the disorder, however, tend to have more severe symptoms and lower intelligence and more difficult to recover.
Thetoleherbs is dedicated to understanding the workings and inter-relationships of the various regions of the brain, and to developing preventive measures and new treatments treatment for disorders like autism that handicap people in school, work, and social relationships and brain damage or vegetable.
Up-to-date information on autism and Treatment result for autistic is the role of Thetoleherbs in identifying underlying causes and effective treatments treatment are available in our Autism Herbs Treatment- The Tole Main Page.
Symptoms of Autism
The following are the most common symptoms of autism. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:
- Does not socially interact well with others, including parents.
- Shows a lack of interest in, or rejection of, physical contact. Parents describe autistic infants as "unaffectionate." Autistic infants and children are not comforted by physical contact.
- Avoids making eye contact with others, including parents.
- Fails to develop friends or interact with other children.
- Does not communicate well with others.
- Is delayed or does not develop language.
- Once language is developed, does not use language to communicate with others.
- Has echolalia (repeats words or phrases repeatedly, like an echo).
- Demonstrates repetitive behaviors.
- Has repetitive motor movements (such as rocking and hand or finger flapping).
- Is preoccupied, usually with lights, moving objects, or parts of objects.
- Does not like noise.
- Has rituals.
- Requires routines.
The symptoms of autism may resemble other conditions or medical problems. Always consult your child's physician for a diagnosis.
Cause of Autism
There is no known single cause for autism, but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Brain scans show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in autistic versus non-autistic children. Researchers are investigating a number of theories, including the link between heredity, genetics and medical problems. In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities, further supporting a genetic basis to the disorder. While no one gene has been identified as causing autism, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that autistic children may have inherited. It also appears that some children are born with a susceptibility to autism, but researchers have not yet identified a single "trigger" that causes autism to develop.
Other researchers are investigating the possibility that under certain conditions, a cluster of unstable genes may interfere with brain development resulting in autism, which our research do not agree. Still other researchers are investigating problems during pregnancy or delivery as well as environmental factors such as viral infections, metabolic imbalances, and exposure to environmental chemicals.
Autism tends to occur more frequently than expected among individuals who have certain medical conditions, including Fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, congenital rubella syndrome, and untreated phenylketonuria (PKU). Some harmful substances ingested during pregnancy also have been associated with an increased risk of autism. Early in 2002, The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) prepared a literature review of hazardous chemical exposures and autism and found no compelling evidence for an association; however, there was very limited research and more needs to be done.
The question of a relationship between vaccines and autism continues to be debated. In a 2001 investigation by the Institute of Medicine, a committee concluded that the "evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship.... between MMR vaccines and autistic spectrum disorders (ASD)." The committee acknowledged, however, that "they could not rule out" the possibility that the MMR vaccine could contribute to ASD in a small number of children. Many reports on after having the MMR injection the same day the kid cannot speak and dont respond to orders. While other researchers agree the data does not support a link between the MMR and autism, more research is clearly needed.
Whatever the cause, it is clear that children with autism and PDD are born with the disorder or born with the potential to develop it. It is not caused by bad parenting. Autism is not a mental illness. Children with autism are not unruly kids who choose not to behave. Furthermore, no known psychological factors in the development of the child have been shown to cause autism.
KL Kuala Lumpur Thetoleherbs's way of Autism Acupuncture and Herbal Medical Treatment |
All these are the symptom of autism and we have the complete treatment for all these problem. You have to spend enough time for the intensive Treatment in order to get good result, it varies from 1 month to 6 months or more for intensive Treatment (remedies,remedy).
Some of the autism kids that is difficult to get near to 90% treatment is that they stared late on themselves more then 11 years old some are too stubborn, but we still gets major improvement about 80-90% or so until they can get easy living in their life.
We have long distance friends that cannot come over for intensive treatment with us yet just with our Thetoleherbs's SPECIAL herbal medicine powder and our advise of do's and dont's gets tremendous improvement!!!
So not to worry, we can get you your kid a special do's and dont's and other special advise on to how to treats them from stage to stage of improvement
"Start you Autism Kids treatment by e-mailing to us,
Our Treatment team will be in contact with the e-mail and phone during your autism kids treatment.
Feel FREE to enquire about yours or your friends health problems through e-mail. we can help to guild you from here. |
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The Tole Acupuncture Herbal Medical Centre Sdn Bhd. KL Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Suite 4.08 & 4.10 , 4th Floor,
Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 KL Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603-21418370 / 603-21451671
Fax: 603-27326887
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