
Toronto Region ODSP Action Coalition

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Please note that this site focusses on the Greater Toronto Area, the Province of Ontario, and Canada, in that order. Some of our activities such as the International Day for the Elimination of Poverty may be international in scope but this is mostly a local activity.

Some topics, like federal social and training policies and transfer payments, medicare in general, and inter-provincial policies as regards people with disabilities are not well-covered here, sorry. As well you may find that some references to the provincial group's pages don't work. If this happens, and there is no mirror copy of the page or document you're looking for, you may be out of luck as far as obtaining a copy of the material electronically.

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211 - general information page for government services, housing etc.
25-in-5 Network For Poverty Reduction, ca 2007-2008
- "blueprint for poverty reduction", early 2009: PDF file (PDF), press release (.txt file)
- various print references to, (mostly Toronto Star newspaper)
- print advertisement for Wed. March 18, 2009 rally - see 25-in-5_advert.html
- see also video clip of speech by ODSP recipient Cheryl Smith
- home page of,
- MCSS press release on aboriginal healing strategy, March 2006 - see
accomodation - and employment
- Ontario gov't employment accessibility review item, early 2009
- see also Workplace Essential Skills Partnership, wesp.html
- see also CCRW home page

aging population
- and assistive technology
- research networks item, Dec. 2006
- see also press release from York University

Accenture, and computer system
- mentioned in committee meetings, May 26/2006 - see Ontario Legislature (external link)
Accessibility Ontario, section of MCSS home page, - see
accessibility standards
accessibility symbols - see

Action Against Poverty Week, 2006
- see Oct. 17
rally page and endorsements page
- some photos are posted
- see also CAW's coverage

- results from
- video of Michael Prue, M.P.P. challenging the Minister on the Special Diet Allowance
- video of Howard Hampton questioning Premier McGuinty - see (Right-click on the link and choose "Save... As...")
- Premier McGuinty replies - see mcguinty.html

- highlights from Hansard, from the day of the rally

- poverty report card, Ontario gov't, from rally - see

- see also

- and Special Diet Allowance
- summer 2006 letter from provincial group to Ministry

- general
- sample letters
- sample letter to Premier McGuinty and Minister Deb Matthews, November 2007
- sample letter to Premier McGuinty, November 2006

- other letters
- from ODSP Action Coalition to Minister, following April 2-3, 2009 conference

- and human rights tribunal, Ontario, 2008-2009
- Tim Hudak platform re:, criticized by Helen Henderson, summer 2009
- lobby kit

- advocacy and alternative budget points, federal, 2009
- Smith, Cheryl - speech at Queen's Park spring 2009 re: cost of food for sick, disabled, need for more money etc.
- and 'Peacock Poverty' web site - write-up in Toronto Star July 5, 2009

- international
- and U.N. general convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, circa 2006-2007
- University of Minnesota advocacy manual - see cnib.html

advocates - see lawyers
Alberta - see provinces
American Ass'n of People with Disabilities -; see also lobbying
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - see also United States
AODA - see AODA Alliance page,
- and accessibility standards, circa December 2006
- MCSS "EnAbling Change Program"
- see also earlier webcast at

(We had this webcast, which featured Deb Matthews M.P.P., archived circa 2006-2007)

- City of Toronto's Accessible Pedestrian Signal pages -
appliances - see assistive devices, mobility aids etc.
annuities - see Henson Trusts

artificial limbs, prostheses - see ADP
assistance, social - see social assistance
assistive devices program, Ministry of Health - see ADP home page


Baird, John - former Minister of Community and Social Services under Mike Harris, now federal environment minister
- shuts down Court Challenges Program - Winnipeg Free Press, Sept. 26, 2006 - D.A.W.N.

- see also Wikipedia: list of Progressive Conservative M.P.P.'s

- big banks
- and social policy
- see also micro-credit

bank service charges
barrier-free design and living
barter networks
- general federal government page on, see
basic rights - see Ontario Human Rights Commission

Bazak, Joanne
- letter to Premier McGuinty, October 6, 2006 - to be posted Last updated early Thurs. Oct. 2nd, 2009
- response by Premier McGuinty to October 6, 2006 letter - see
- see also sample letter to the Premier, Nov. 17

- Walk, Wheel and Ride for Dignity, see also rally

Beer, Charles, former Minister - and AODA
- mentioned by Helen Henderson in July 4, 2009 Toronto Star newspaper column
- upcoming CWDO consultation with, October 22, 2009
- Community Start-Up Benefit

benefit unit
Berlyne, Naomi - Houselink cttee information pkg. to MPP's "huge disappointment" - Toronto Star item [Carol Goar] March 6, 2009 p. A19
- and collection of stories, by provincial group
- see also lobby kit
Bill 107, Human Rights - see human rights
- debate surrounding, late 2006
- criticism of, circa 2006-2007 -
- letters to the editor
- mentioned by David Lepofsky in letter to Toronto Sun, Nov. 26/06 p.C6

Bill 152, Poverty Reduction Strategy circa April 2009 - general reading points
- see
NOTE: the Social Policy Committee held public hearings on Bill 152 in late April

- see presentation by Jacquie Maund, April 20, 2009

Binnie, Wendy - see Zachariah, Anna
Bisson, Gilles M.P.P. - see also List of M.P.P.'s in the Legislative Assembly
Blackstock, Sarah, ISAC lawyer - Op-Ed item re: social assistance reform in Toronto Star, Feb. 12, 2009
blind - Canadian Council of the Blind
- see also C.N.I.B.
- see also Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (AEBC),

Briggs, Bonnie, activist - see Cathy Crowe book launch, early 2007
British model, for disability supports - see also Wales

- and ODSP recipients - see Carol Goar column on Naomi Berlyne's project

budget, Ontario gov't
- text of March 26, 2009 budget speech
- 2008 budget
- spring 2007
- official pages - these were at
- see budget.html, T.R.O.A.C. sub-page with Action Coalition's response
- ODSP Action Coalition pre-budget submission, 2007
- see also Ontario Alternative Budget - Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives
- see also
- see also D.A.W.N., responses to the budget
bulletin boards, web - see


cabinet, McGuinty
cabinet, federal - see Baird, John above and Flaherty, Jim
"cabinet-level committee on poverty reduction" - see Matthews, Deb
- see also Standing Committee on Social Policy

Caledon Institute
! - 'five point plan for changing disability supports', Oct. 2007 (PDF - link repaired Dec. 17, 2008)

Canada - and national disability strategy
- a national disability strategy was mentioned in the provincial action coalition's pre-budget submission in early 2007
- see also Caledon Institute

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) - main page
Canada - provinces, other - see provinces
Canadian Association of Food Banks - submission to Deb Matthews cttee
- Toronto Star article about, Aug. 19, 2008
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work, - and pre-employment programs: see W.E.S.P.

Caplan, David M.P.P. - and mental health file, to mid-October 2009
- see "David Caplan was just getting started", Jim Coyle, the Toronto Star, Wed. Oct. 14 2009
Capponi, Pat - see 25-in-5 coalition poverty reduction blueprint, Feb. 2009
caregivers - on-line information for - see Caregiver Connect
- see also VON
catchment area
caucus, NDP
caucus, Liberal
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) - see mental health
Charter challenge
Child Benefit, Ontario - page not up yet
children - see Child Benefit
chronic fatigue - see health issues
Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform - see electoral reform
City of Toronto - see Toronto
clawback, of NCBS - mentioned in the Report Card (PDF) prepared for "Action Against Poverty Week", October 2006
- see also Hands Off! campaign
- legal challenge filed in late 2004
Clinton, Hillary

coalition, provincial ODSP Action Coalition - see provincial group

committees, of the Legislature
- Social Policy committee
- current activities of and list of bills being considered etc.
- full list of

- Senate of Canada
- see Senate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology

Common Sense Revolution - criticism of, early 2009
- see "Resurrection of Harrisites boggles mind", Jim Coyle, Toronto Star Mar. 20, 2009
community groups
- ODSP Recipients' Support Groups
community newspapers - listing on D.A.W.N.
community participation allowance
community start-up benefit (C.S.U.B.)
companion animals - see also guide dogs
computer system, ODSP
- mentioned in behind the scenes committee discussions, May 2006 - see Ontario Legislature (external link)
- May 26/2006, answered questions about Accenture computer system before the Estimates Committee - see transcript

- see also the Ministry's "Thriving Communities" document

- see also McMullin, Cliodhna

cost of living, for ODSP recipients
- see big write-up in Toronto Star, Helen Henderson August 9, 2008 re: raising rates, real cost of living
- see also big write-up in the Star, Helen Henderson re: Ontario Liberal gov't poverty-reduction plan, Dec. 13, 2008 p.L4
- see also Opposition (N.D.P.) support for, 2003

council, City of Toronto
- and social assistance
- list of Toronto councillors
countries, other - see Wales
- see also provinces
Court Challenges program, federal,
- CCP briefly mentioned by Helen Henderson in July 4, 2009 Toronto Star newspaper column
- see also lawyers

Crowe, Cathy, street nurse - and book launch, Dying For A Home, early 2007
- see also


D.A.M.N. 2025 - event at PARC, mid-March
- protest at St. Patrick subway stn, 2007,
D.A.W.N. - Disabled Women's Network of Ontario
DAU - problems with, historical, see
Davis, Bill, former Premier of Ontario
Daylight Saving Time - see
death - see frequently-asked questions pages in Ontario government's Life Events section
death, of Kimberly Rogers
declaration, by provincial OAC group re: U.N. convention on rights of people with disabilities, autumn 2009 - see "Disability Declaration Sept 09" (PDF)

"Denial By Design" report
dental card

Dever, Sharon - co-ordinator, facilitator of Recipient's Support Groups sponsored by Toronto Region ODSP Action Coalition
- and current W.E.S.P. workshop, see wesp-flyer.html
- other contact information for, see contact.html
- and Flemingdon ODSP/OW Recipient's Support Group - see flemingdon.html

- makes poignant statement during Oct. 2007 provincial election - see "'Access denied' to disabled at debate", Toronto Star, October 1, 2007 p.A12
- large colour photograph in newspaper, see access-denied.jpg

- see also Sept. 26, 2007 Queen's Park rally

diet, special - see Special Diet
Dinovo, Cheri M.P.P. - home page of (external link)
- and housing, social assistance
- see Toronto Star newspaper column by Carol Goar, Oct. 23, 2006

- press coverage of minimum wage bill as it passed second reading on Nov. 2, 2006
- "Minimum-wage bill passes hurdle",, Nov. 2 (Canadian Press)

- "Minimum wage hike to $10 opposed", Toronto Star, Thurs. Nov. 2, 2006 p.A8

- see also Ontario Needs A Raise campaign<

- Access For Ontarians With Disabilities Act (AODA)
- mentioned by David Lepofsky in letter to Toronto Sun, Nov. 26/06 p.C6
- and traffic signals, Toronto - see city's Accessible Pedestrian Signal pages -
disability access symbols - see
disability benefits
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- federal (CPP disability)
- pan-Canadian, suggestions for changes to
- see Caledon Institute, 'five point plan for changing disability supports', Oct. 2007

- disability declaration, by provincial OAC group re: U.N. convention on rights of people with disabilities - see PDF file by Jennifer Laidley

disability tax credit, federal
- mentioned in a CBC news item, summer 2006
documentary film, recent, about ODSP
documents - stored on-line
- Community Start-Up Benefit - new (?) form circa early 2009 - send
e-mail to torontodisabilityaction at yahoo dot ca
- in MS Word format
- in PDF format
- Ministry organizational chart
- previous version of organization chart, 2006-2007 click here (all files in PDF format)
- Special Diet Allowance - see tip sheet for
- see also background notes on special diet - registered nurses' ass'n

- see also provincial ODSP Action Coalition site

drug card
Duggan, Cheryl - letter in Toronto Star Sept. 30, 2008 re: poverty reduction
- big write-up in the Star re: the Ont. Liberals' poverty-reduction plan, December 13, 2008 p.L4
Duncan, Dwight M.P.P. - minister of finance circa 2008-2009 approx.
- criticized in Toronto Star, early 2009 following luncheon speech to business people
- text of March 26, 2009 budget speech


EITR changes, for fall 2007
election, City of Toronto- municipal elections Nov. 13 - see
- mayoral candidates' forum Nov. 10 - see election-mayoral-forum.html
election, provincial - coming up Oct. 10, 2007 - see Elections Ontario home page
- notes for people with special needs, see their special_needs.shtml sub-page
- see also their notes for people with vision problems - blind_visually_impaired.shtml
- biographical notes on Elections Ontario senior officers John Hollins and Loren Wells

electricity costs, circa 2008 - see energy

electoral reform - see Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform home pages (no updates since summer 2007)

electronic mail - send e-mail - address is "toronto disability action at yahoo dot ca", all one string of characters, no spaces change the "dot" to a period
- send e-mail to M.P.P.'s - see official list of M.P.P.'s in the Ontario Legislative Assembly
- e-mail contacts, Toronto Region ODSP Action Coalition - see contact.html

Elliot, Brenda - former Minister of Community, Family and Children's Services under Ernie Eves
emergency community services line
emergency planning - search for the keyword "emergency"
- see also Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- summer 2003 blackout

- pre-employment counselling, support
- four week W.E.S.P. workshops in Toronto - see wesp.html
- see also employment supports
Enabling Accessibility Fund (federal)
EnAbling Change Program, of MCSS
energy costs - electricity
- a question about smart meters, 2008
errors and overpayments

Epstein, Griffin
events, upcoming - see events calendar

Eves, Ernie - former Premier of Ontario


Family Benefits
Family Responsibility Office
federal government
- Canada Pension Plan
- and disabled people - Office for Disability Issues
- federal information pages for people with disabilities - see
- Mapping for the Visually Impaired portal -
- and seniors - GAINS, the Guaranteed Annual Income Supplement

Fiorito, Joe
Flemingdon Community Legal Services, 42 The Donway West - legal clinic, they can help with ODSP, housing etc.
Flemingdon Health Centre, 10 Gateway - site of monthly flemingdon.html recipients' support group
- see also

Flemingdon Park ODSP/OW Recipient's Support Group - see flemingdon.html

food bank
forms - MSN - try typing in "MSN" in Search box
Francais - see french.html
franking (ie. free mail priviledges, like to the House of Commons)


French language documents
French language services


Gates, Bill, Microsoft founder - and funding for libraries, scanning etc. - see gates.html
general convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, United Nations, circa 2006-2007 - see cnib.html
Goar, Carol - Toronto Star newspaper columnist
- critical of Minister Meilleur's priorities, summer 2006 - see July 26, 2006 column
- and Sarah Shartal, ODSP recipients' class action suit vs. province - see province-sued.html
grants and bursaries
Grinspun, Doris
groups, advocacy
- social assistance
- see 25-in-5 coalition
- D.A.M.N. 2025, protest at St. Patrick subway Dec. 7, 2007 - see demo.html
- Don Mills/Flemingdon Park area, see flemingdon.html
- downtown, Queen & Bathurst, see queen-west.html
- download and print signs for support group meetings - new-sign.jpg
- see also advocacy
glossary of terms, ODSP


Hampton, Howard M.P.P. - former N.D.P. leader
- criticizes Minister Meilleur on Oct. 17, 2006: video
- see also highlights from Hansard , Oct. 17, 2006
Harm Reduction Journal - see
Harper, Stephen - Prime Minister of Canada
- home page of -
- and by-elections, mentioned in federal.html
Harris, Mike
- see also Flaherty, Jim and Baird, John
health benefits - extended health benefits
health care records scandal, to autumn 2009
- and overall ODSP computer system scandal, 1995-2005 approx... see Accenture
Health, Ministry of
- and public consultations on a ten year plan, early 2007 - Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
health issues - chronic fatigue syndrome
- new web page, awareness campaign in U.S. - see
- sleep disorders

hearing impaired
- groups
- and advocacy
- Cdn Hearing Society puts on election forum for Toronto mayoral candidates & disabled community, Nov. 2006
- position of Cdn As'sn of the Deaf, see

Helfand, Norm
Henderson, Helen - Toronto Star newspaper columnist
- and big write-up in the Star re: the Ont. Liberals' poverty-reduction plan, December 13, 2008 p.L4
- feature article in August 9, 2008 Toronto Star
Henson Trusts - third party information on, see
- see also attendant care
homelessness - Street Help Line (416) 392-3777
Horvath, Andrea - current (2009) N.D.P. leader
House of Commons, Ottawa, K1A 0A6 - sefeae also franking
housing - Ontario government financing announcement, Nov. 8
housing costs to the individual O.D.S.P. recipient or benefit unit
- and GTA average rents, for an apartment
- electricity costs
- and smart meters
- posted question about smart meters, early July 2008 - see smart-meters

Hoy, Pat M.P.P. - in committee discussing Ministry computer system, Jan. 22, 1997 - see transcript
Hudak, Tim M.P.P. - home page of
Human Rights Commission - see Ontario Human Rights Commission

human rights protection - changes in Ontario - Bill 107
- backgrounder, by Ministry of the Attorney General

- criticism of, circa 2006-2007 -
- random Op/Ed comments from the field -
- mentioned by David Lepofsky in letter to Toronto Sun, Nov. 26/06

Human Rights Tribunal
- Tim Hudak platform criticized by Helen Henderson, summer 2009
- see also Hudak, Tim

- see also human rights protection - general research
- at the University of Ottawa - see

hunger march
hydro - costs
- and smart meters
- see question about smart meters circa early July
- see dental coverage


identity theft
images, of past events, low resolution - see gallery.html page under construction
immigration, Ontario gov't page on, see
Income Security Advocacy Centre (ISAC)
information, general, for people with disabilities
- federal government, see
- see also CBC, C.N.I.B., Canadian Paraplegic Ass'n, Cdn Hearing Society, TVO, American Foundation for the Blind ( etc.
interim assistance
internal links - a page about internal links is under construction
invisible illnesses
Ipperwash inquiry


Joanne Bazak - see Bazak, Joanne above
Jobs and Skills Renewal Strategy, Ontario
- mentioned in Premier's letter to OCSJ dated October 17, 2006
- see mcguinty.html
JobsNow pilot program, 2005-2006
jobs - see also business, employment, and small business


Kevin Costante, Deputy Minister, MCSS - see Costante, Kevin
Kirby, Michael, Senator - and mental health commission
Klees, Frank M.P.P.


"Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities" circa late 2007 - see Treasury Board (federal) home pages
Lalonde, Jean-Marc M.P.P. - tells then-ADM Kevin Costante that C parts of the social assistance computer system were "a mess" - see transcript, Standing Cttee on the Ombudsman, Jan. 22, 1997
laws, online, Ontario - see
- class-action suit against province, 2006
lawyers - Blackstock, Sarah
- Loescher, Virginia
- Shartal, Sarah
- Zachariah, Anna - summer 2008 item in Toronto Star
- see also legal information, federal Court Challenges Program
- see also lawsuits
legal clinics
legal information - see CLEO
- former Court Challenges Program -
- CCP briefly mentioned by Helen Henderson in July 4, 2009 Toronto Star newspaper column

Legislature, Ontario - Legislative Assembly of Ontario - seat of provincial gov't
- list of all M.P.P.'s in
- committees of, full list
- current activities of committees, and list of bills being considered etc., esp. Bill 152

- lobby kit, 2006, Naomi Berlyne
- Legislature, official pictures of, see their home page
- pictures from September 29, 2005 rally - to be sorted and indexed
- pictures from October 17, 2006 rally
- the Social Policy Committee was going to hold hearings circa April 20, 2009 re: Bill 152

Lepofsky, David - AODA cttee chair circa early 2009
- and Bill 107, Human Rights
- debate surrounding, late 2006
- mentioned by David Lepofsky in letter to Toronto Sun, Nov. 26/06 p.C6
letters - computer-generated
- mentioned by Carol Goar in a September 2009 Toronto Star column

- from provincial group, on behalf of everyone, to Madeleine Meilleur June 25, 2008
- from Premier McGuinty to OCSJ, Oct. 17, 2006 "Action Week Against Poverty"
- from Kate Allen, in Toronto Star newspaper following the Oct. 17, 2006 rally - see letter-kate-allen.html

letters, sample
- to Premier McGuinty, Nov. 2006 (PDF format)

Take Seniors off Welfare sample letter - provincial group - this link needs updating
letters - to M.P.P.'s - importance of
- letters to the editor
- and Bill 107, Human Rights, late 2006 - see Lepofsky, David
- and postage - see also franking

Liberals, Ontario - see McGuinty
- by Citizens With Disabilities (Ontario) group - see web page
- by OCSJ
- letter to M.P.P.'s Oct. 6/06
N.B. the OCSJ had an assembly at the end of November 2008. Location was the Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil St.
loans - see micro-credit
Long, Tom - see Common Sense Revolution


MacKay, Peter M.P. - Minister of Foreign Affairs ca 2006-2007
- March 30, 2007 speech re U.N. convention on rights of people with disabilities
macular degeneration
McLeod, Lyn
Manson, Catherine - community legal worker, former chair of Toronto Region ODSP Action Coalition
- mailing address and telephone: Flemingdon Community Legal Services, 42 The Donway West, Suite, Toronto
- home page of -
- posted question about smart meters as they may relate to housing costs, early July 2008 - see smart-meters

MacDonald, Lynn - assistant deputy minister, MCSS, policy - see Ministry organization chart (PDF file)
march, to Cecil St.
maps, of Ontario, basic - see (Natural Resources Canada)
MAP program, Ontario - see "Media Access and Participation Initiative"
Marchese, Rosario M.P.P. - sat on social policy cttee ca 2006-2007
- home page of: not available

Martin, Tony - former M.P.P. - and disability supports, 2003, northern Ontario -

Matthews, Deb M.P.P. - Minister of Children's Services Oct. 2007 - present, formerly parliamentary secretary to Community & Social Services Minister Hon. Sandra Pupatello
- author, Deb Matthews report on ODSP/OW employment assistance prgs
- see DebMatthewsReportDec04.pdf December 2004 (PDF file)
- see also Ministry backgrounder on overall response to Deb Matthews report
- chair, "cabinet"-level poverty reduction cttee ca 2007-2008
- Toronto Star page one headline on, Oct. 30, 2007
- provincial group submission to, summer 2008
- follow-up comments by action coalition members, sent as a letter summing up the issues
- p.g. meeting with, summer 2008
- follow-up comments by action coalition members, sent as a letter summing up the issues
- poverty reduction plan announced Dec. 4, 2008
- big write-up in the Toronto Star (Helen Henderson) includes provincial group's response, December 13, 2008 p.L4
- official poverty reduction strategy page -

- on YouTube spring 2008 - closed meeting in Peterborough

- spoke at start of "EnAbling Change Program", of MCSS, in December 2006
- see webcast at
- one small image file is available

- home page of - see

Maund, Jacquie - Campaign 2000 - appears at Queen's Park before Standing Committee on Social Policy, early 2009
- quoted in Toronto Star Dec. 5, 2008 re: Deb Matthews recommendations re: poverty reduction
- see also

McGuinty, Dalton M.P.P. - Premier of Ontario
- response to OCSJ's October 6, 2006 letter - see mcguinty.html
- mentions ODSP in Oct. 17, 2006 statements in the House during Question Period - see hansard-oct17.html
- home page of - see
- see also YouTube

McMullin, Cliodhna - Director, Ontario disability support program branch of the MCSS
- see ministry organizational chart

medical adjudicators
medical appointments - see transportation allowance
medical care - public consultations on, early 2007 - Miinistry of Health and Long-Term Care
- see also MSN medical forms
- and Special Diet Allowance - see tip sheet for ! This file is unavailable

Meilleur, Madeleine - Minister of Community and Social Services
- accomplishments of
- criticism of
- criticized by Howard Hampton during Question Period on Oct. 17, 2007, Int'l Day for Elimination of Poverty
- see highlights from Hansard for Oct. 17, 2006
- mentioned by Sarah Shartal in a letter to the editor of the Toronto Star, July 18, 2009

- Dec. 4, 2006 statement by (U.N. Int'l Day of Disabled Persons)
- home page of, Ottawa-Vanier riding
- letters to, recent
- June 25, 2008

- meetings with
- she met with some folks in June of 2008 - see follow-up letter
- answered questions before Estimates committee, May 26/06 - see Ontario Legislature home pages (external link)
- and workings of ODSP
- mentioned by Sarah Shartal in a letter to the editor of the Toronto Star, July 18, 2009

- see also Shartal, Sarah

- official biography of
- political predecessors
- Baird, John
- Elliot, Brenda
- Tsubouchi, David

mental health issues
- and problems with ODSP, historical
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
- report on program access barriers, 2003 approx.

- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - see DSM-IV-TR Official Site of the American Psychiatric Association

- and former health minister David Caplan
- see "David Caplan was just getting started", Jim Coyle, the Toronto Star, Wed. Oct. 14 2009
- and the Special Diet Allowance
- mentioned during the provincial group's 2006 strategy day
- see also Mental Health Commission of Canada, on WWW
- see also Ontario Human Rights Commission

Mental Disability Rights Int'l

messages - electronic mail - send e-mail to "toronto disability action at yahoo dot ca", all one word

- rare mention in Toronto Star newspaper, Dec. 2006
- see also Clinton, Hillary

Mihevc, Joe - Toronto City councillor
- and December 4, 2006 remarks about ODSP rates at City's "Unsung Hero" awards
- see cnib.html

Milne, Dana, provincial organizer - see isac.html
- document files sent by, see documents

minimum wage
- press coverage of minimum wage bill as it passed second reading on Nov. 2, 2006
- "Minimum-wage bill passes hurdle",, Nov. 2 (Canadian Press)

- "Minimum wage hike to $10 opposed", Toronto Star, Thurs. Nov. 2, 2006 p.A8

- see also Ontario Needs A Raise campaign

Ministry, Ministries, Ontario government - cabinet shuffle Sept. 2008
- see Toronto Star article, Sept. 19, 2008 (includes new cabinet list)

Ministry of Community and Social Services , Ontario Government
- organizational chart of
- computer system of, still in doubt, spring 2006
- see records of committee meetings, May 26/2006, in Ontario Legislature web pages (external link)
- directives - see web page of (external link)

- former deputy minister Kevin Costante
- in committee meetings, May 26/2006 - see Ontario Legislature (external link)

- initiatives - public relations/awareness
- "Media Access and Participation Initiative" - see (external link)
- accessibility: "EnAbling Change Program" and AODA circa December 2006
- webcast at is on file but is not available on-line

- social assistance review, see

letter from provincial ODSP group to Ministry, summer 2006 - temporarily unavailable

Ministry of Finance

mirror site, for these pages - see and save as a bookmark
MISWAA - press release re: 2006 report
MMP - Mixed Member Proportional - see electoral reform
mobility aids - see ADP home page
moving allowance

M.P.P.'s, Ontario, official list of - see
- seating plan, in Legislature, to early 2008 - see

- see also Elections Ontario



National Child Benefit Supplement, clawback of - mentioned in the Report Card (PDF) prepared for "Action Against Poverty Week", October 2006
- see also the Hands Off! campaign
National Council of Welfare - mentioned in Edmonton Journal re: summer 2006 report
- see also Caledon Institute of Social Policy report on changes to social programs (PDF file, June 2006)
national standards, for the delivery of social... programs
- mentioned in ODSP Action Coalition's submission to the pre-budget consultation process, November 2006

newspaper clippings, Toronto Sun - see Special Diet Allowance
- Edmonton Journal, item on social assistance rates following summer 2006 report

New Democratic Party, (NDP)
- and energy policy, affecting people with disabilities, see

non-profit groups
Northern Ontario
- and ODSP - see list of Ministry regional offices
- Bisson, Gilles M.P.P.



ODI - Office for Disability Issues - see federal

ODSP - see Ministry of Community and Social Services, above
- see also statutes
ODSP Action Coalition - see provincial group
ODSP/OW Recipient's support groups - Flemingdon Park - see flemingdon.html
- Anne Johnston Health Station - we are no longer meeting at this offices - list of Ministry regional offices
Office for Disability Issues - see federal

Ombudsman - see
Omni TV - early 2007 coverage of special diet cuts
- Omni came out to one of our meetings this year. We saved the video clip
- see also Hamilton Spectator newspaper, Sept. 20, 2006

Ontario Child Benefit - no files are up on the Toronto group pages, sorry. Last updated November 22, 2007
Ontario Coalition for Social Justice - see

Ontario Government - see
- simple A to Z index of - see!ut/p/.cmd/cs/.ce/7_0_A/.s/7_0_252/_s.7_0_A/7_0_252/_l/en?docid=EC001030
- database of Ontario's statutes and regulations, see
- Legislative Assembly of, see
- Poverty Reduction Strategy of, Dec. 2008 -
- list of M.P.P.'s
- low cost housing financing announcement, Nov. 8, 2006

- see also government, ministry

Ontario Legislature - see Legislature, Ontario
Ontario Human Rights Commission
- and mental illness
- letter by Barbara Hall in the Toronto Star, Nov. 15, 2007
ONR - see Ontario Needs A Raise campaign
Ontarians With Disabilities Act, ODA committees
- political machinations around, 2006-2007 - see Matthews, Deb
- see also Lepofsky, David

Ontario Needs a Raise
- October 2006, mentioned in
recent items


organizing, around the disabilities issue
- see "25-in-5", D.A.M.N. 2025, OCAP, 2006 rally
- see also lobbying, lobby kit


Ottawa - very little federal information is indexed here

- N.B. both Premier McGuinty's and Madeleine Meilleur's home ridings are in Ottawa



P.A.C.E. - staff training prg
palliative care - on-line resources for - see
para-transit - mentioned by Jane Pitfield during mayoral candidates forum (City of Toronto municipal elections, Nov. 2006)
Parsons, Ernie M.P.P.
people with disabilities
- vision-impaired, and the ODSP
- walkers and wheelchairs
People In Motion show, June 4-5, 2010
personal stories, of ODSP Recipients
physical fitness
pictures - of past events, low resolution - see gallery.html page under construction
Pitfield, Jane - former city councillor, Ward 26 Don Valley West - 2006 mayoral campaign web page, residue only
- attends community forum on disability issues, Nov. 10, 2006 - see election-mayoral-forum.html
- visits Flemingdon ODSP recipient's support group, early 2006 - see flemingdon-pitfield.html

political parties, list of
- see also links

politics, local - see above
policy, social - and war on poverty, circa 2007-2008
- see also Standing Committee on Social Policy
postage - see franking

personal care attendant
plastic surgery
postage, to M.P.P.'s - see franking.html
poverty, rally against, 2006 - see Action Against Poverty Week

poverty reduction
- poverty reduction committee, winter 2007-2008, winter 2008-2009
- initial media coverage of, early 2008
- Toronto Star editorial, Feb. 4
- see provincial group's submission to Minister Deb Matthews
- see also provincial group's reaction to - big write-up in the Toronto Star, Helen Henderson re: the Ont. Liberals'
poverty-reduction plan, December 13, 2008 p.L4

- see also Bill 152

poverty report card, Ontario gov't, from 2006 rally -

pre-employment counselling and support - for persons with disabilities
- Toronto-area
- four week W.E.S.P. workshops in Toronto - see wesp.html
- see also W.E.S.P.

Premier of Ontario - see McGuinty
- home page of, see

Prime Minister of Canada - home page of, see

privacy policy
private sector
pro bono
Pro Bono Canada
Pro Bono students - report on Special Diet allowance incl. recommendations
- Alberta
- groups
- "Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities" - see
- news from
- earlier Ralph Klein gov't

- British Columbia
- Manitoba

- New Brunswick - publications page of, New Brunswick gov't
- circa late 2007, the above page included a PDF file about a disability support program "pilot project"

- Saskatchewan Office of disability issues

- see also Caledon Institute

Provincial group, for advocacy work, Ontario - ODSP Action Coalition
- home page of -
- April 2-3 2009 conference - see
- Nancy Vander Plaats quoted in the Toronto Star newspaper, May 2005, criticizing then-Finance Minister Greg Sorbara

- and Ontario budget, 2008
- provincial group's response to budget

- big write-up in Toronto Star, Helen Henderson August 9, 2008 re: raising rates, real cost of living
- big write-up in the Star, Helen Henderson re: the Ont. Liberals' poverty-reduction plan, December 13, 2008 p.L4
- see also Matthews, Deb

- and declaration, re: U.N. convention on rights of people with disabilities - see PDF file by Jennifer Laidley

- terms of reference of
- fall strategy session October 2006
- stories, personal, collection of, late 2009 - see Berlyne, Naomi
- summer 2006 letter from provincial group to Ministry
- surveys from, November 2007 - see survey.html

Prue, Michael M.P.P.
- video clip of, challenging Minister Meilleur on the Special Diet Allowance, Oct. 17, 2006
Public Health - and social assistance rates
- early 2009 'Put Food In The Budget' campaign
- Cheryl Smith video at Queen's Park
- Ontario Public Health Ass'n
- summer 2006 letter to Ombudsman criticizes "legislated poverty", calls for
raising the rates -

- Toronto Public Health
- and calls for a meal subsidy, Jan. 30 2007 news item - see torontostar.html

- and emergency preparedness - see also Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Pupatello, Sandra, M.P.P. - former community services minister, after John Baird approx.
- on CBC radio with Nancy Vander Plaats, 2005
- and aboriginal wellness strategy, circa 2004 - see news release
- and McGuinty cabinet shuffle, Sept. 19, 2008
- home page of, see


Queen's Park - see also Legislature
- "Put Food In The Budget" event, March 2009
- one recipient, Cheryl Smith, made a speech; see video clip on YouTube

- rally at, 2006
- see Action Against Poverty Week TOP


radio - CBC Radio
- on CBC radio with Sandra Pupatello, 2005
rally, at Queen's Park Sept. 26, 2007 incl. Toronto Star newspaper coverage
Rally Against Poverty, Oct. 17, 2006 - see "Action Against Poverty Week"
- recent notes and files posted
rally, Walk Wheel Ride for Dignity, Sept. 29, 2005
- pictures from, see rally-2005-pictures.html

rates, of social assistance
- 2006-2007 rates said "20 percent lower, in real terms"
Rebick, Judy - interviewed by Cheryl Smith summer 2009, see
- see also advocacy
Recipient's Support Groups schedule - see main page
- latest sign, suitable for downloading and posting
rent arrears
rent bank

- Report Card, on Ontario gov't track record on poverty 2004-2006
- see "Action Against Poverty Week", October 2006
- MISWAA report, 2006 - press release re: - see
- report on social assistance, City of Toronto
rights - basic human rights - see Ontario Human Rights Commission
Roch, Lucille - Deputy Minister of Community and Social Services - see news
- see also Costante, Kevin
Rogers, Kimberly
rural services


safety issues, for people with disabilities - see Aug. 28 focus group
Salvation Army - see also Goodwill
salaries, bureaucracy
salaries, M.P.P. - compared to rates of social assistance
sample letter, to M.P.P.'s, late November 2007
Sandals, Liz M.P.P. (Guelph)
Sanders, Jim - CNIB president
- December 4, 2006 remarks about technical standards, to assist people with disabilities, at Toronto's "Unsung Hero" awards
- see cnib.html

Saul, Nick - comments at April 14, 2008 25-in-5 meeting, see 14/nicksaul_Apr14.pdf

Senate of Canada
- Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology

seniors - and ODSP

Shartal, Sarah
- and class-action lawsuit, 2006-2007
- people were encouraged to come out to the courthouse at 361 University Ave. in late November 2007
- letter in Toronto Star July 2009 - suggests a word with Minister Meilleur
- see also lawyers

sign or flyer, for ODSP/OW recipients' support groups - download, print and put up in your area
small business - see also jobs, employment
Smith, Cheryl - speech at Queen's Park spring 2009 re: cost of food for sick, disabled, need for more money etc.
- and 'Peacock Poverty' web site - write-up in Toronto Star July 5, 2009
- summer 2009 interview with Judy Rebick

Smitherman, George M.P.P. - former Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, (succeeded by David Caplan) and Deputy Premier. See also List of M.P.P.'s in the Legislative Assembly
- rare meeting with, Nov. 2006 - see smitherman.html
- home page of

social assistance
- changes to, early 2006
- "restore integrity" - employment supports introduced - Ministry press release
- and internal review
- and provincial review - see June 2, 2009 Op-Ed piece by John Stapleton in Toronto Star
- criticized by Sarah Blackstock in Toronto Star, Feb. 12, 2009
- see also ISAC web pages,
- and recent class-action suit - see class-action file, 2006-2007 approx.

Social Development Canada - see Human Resources and Social Development Canada

Social policy
- social policy committee, of the Legislature - see Legislature, Ontario
- social policy, federal
- Senate of Canada
- see Senate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology

social workers
- at Flemingdon Health Centre, 10 Gateway
- (related) see also Toronto Social Services,
- in Ontario - see Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers,
- in U.S. - see National Ass'n of Social Workers,

Sorbara Greg M.P.P. - former Liberal finance minister, to Oct. 2007
- criticized by Nancy Vander Plaats with respect to ODSP recipients, quotation in the Toronto Star newspaper, May 2005

Special Diet Allowance
- backgrounder from Registered Nurses' Association of Ont.

- tip sheet for - this file is not available. Last updated Dec. 5, 2007
- letter from provincial group to Ministry, June 2006
- summary of changes, October 2006 - see
- see also the provincial group's special diet pages - see also provincial group

- and mental health issues
- mentioned during the provincial group's 2006 strategy day

- newspaper clippings on special diet
- Toronto SUN
- early October 2005, Pupatello and special diet

Special Services At Home
standards - AODA accessibility standards, circa December 2006
- MCSS "EnAbling Change Program"
- see webcast at

standards, technical
Stapleton, John - former MCSS staffer
- June 2, 2009 Op-Ed piece about social assistance review
- see also ISAC web pages,
- report by - to be added
- scheduled to speak, fall 2009 - see
- see also mid-March, 2009 Metcalf Foundation event
Statistics Canada - disabilities page
statutes, Ontario (eg. laws) - on-line database of - see
Steering Committee on Social Assistance - and focus groups, "Access to ODSP" theme, 2001
- see "Summary of ODSP Forums"
- see also groups, advocacy

stories, personal, of ODSP Recipients
strategy session, strategy session, provincial group, October 2006
see also 2009-conference.html
Street Help Line (416) 392-3777
support groups, for ODSP/OW recipients, in Toronto
- Don Mills/Flemingdon Park area, see flemingdon.html
- downtown, Queen & Bathurst, see queen-west.html

- download and print signs for - link to be added; one graphic file is posted for now; File size is 1.4 Mb

supports - see employment supports
surveys, provincial group, 2007 - see survey.html
symbols, disability-related - see


tax credits
terms of reference - this file is pending. Last updated Nov. 30, 2007
text-only - main text-only page

theft - see identity theft

Toronto, City of
- and United Nations "International Day of People with Disabilities", Dec. 4
- see also message from Secretary-General of the U.N. -

- municipal elections Nov. 13 - see
- mayoral candidates' forum

- and social assistance
- Toronto Social Services
- report on social assistance, April 2006 (PDF file)

- community services committee
- submissions to, November 2005
- by Dana Milne (MS Word file)

- disability issues committee - terms of reference of (PDF)

- city councillors, list of
- list of Toronto councillors

Tory, John M.P.P. - Leader of the Opposition
- biography of, on Ontario PC home page
- biography of, Wikipedia

- and people with disabilities, Human Rights Commission

town hall meeting, at Metro Hall June 1, 2009 - write-up in Toronto Star, "Rules make poverty worse when the disabled turn 65", Wed. June 3, 2009
- see also write-up at Family Service Ass'n web page
trade shows - People In Motion show, June 5-6, 2009
traffic signals, Toronto - see city's Accessible Pedestrian Signal pages -
Treasury Board, federal
tribunal - human rights - begun as of June 30, 2008
- home page of
tribunal - social benefits tribunal
- home page of


unemployment insurance
United Nations
- International Day of People With Disabilties, December 4, 2006
- U.N. sub-page lists activities in New York
- City of Toronto 2007 observations of, at Variety Village
- International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
- Ad Hoc committee on, see
- convention adopted, Dec. 13/06 - CBC News item

- see also World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons

United States - Americans With Disabilities Act
- border issues with
- green card
- University of Minnesota
- advocacy manual re: U.N. general convention on persons with disabilities - see cnib.html
United Way
- Nov. 2007 report: Losing Ground, The persistent growth of family poverty in Canada's largest city
- United Way of York Region -
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
University of Minnesota
- advocacy manual re: U.N. general convention on persons with disabilities - see cnib.html
University of Toronto
- see also Ryerson University, School of DDisability Studies

upcoming events - see CALENDAR


value, adding
Van Bommel, Maria M.P.P.
Vander Plaats, Nancy - chair of provincial group, see
- quoted in the Toronto Star newspaper re: need to help people with disabilities in poverty-reduction plan, Dec. 13, 2008 p.L4
- quoted in the Toronto Star criticizing then-Finance Minister Greg Sorbara, May 2005
- on CBC radio with Sandra Pupatello, Nov. 2005

Variety Village

Vernier, Denise
- and provincial group's response to 2008 budget

video, from the Oct. 17, 2006 rally
- video of Michael Prue, M.P.P. challenging the Minister on the Special Diet Allowance
- Howard Hampton questions Premier McGuinty -
- see also Premier McGuinty's Oct. 17 letter to the OCSJ - mcguinty.html

- recipients' stories, on video, 2009
- Cheryl Smith at Queen's Park, March 18
- see Stop Community Food Centre web pages,
earlier stories
- see also

- Omni-TV - news crew came out to interview the Toronto group, Feb. 2007 - see video clip

see also webcasts

video, from the Sept. 29, 2005 rally

vision, long-term, MCSS - "vision of thriving communities" - see thriving.html
vision, low vision - see C.N.I.B.,
- see also American Association of the Blind and World Blind Union
visually impaired people - large print
- maps for, see Mapping for the Visually Impaired portal -
Vote Out Poverty - see vote-out-poverty.html
voting - see elections and electoral reform

Walk, Wheel, Ride for Dignity rally Sept. 29, 2005
- pictures from, see rally-2005-pictures.html
Walkerton inquiry
Wal-Mart - how to contact
Wales - Disability Rights Commission in Wales, British model
Wasserman, Suzen
Watson, Steve - Canadian Auto Workers - 2006 rally
- see
webcast - by Deb Matthews M.P.P. - re: AODA
- topic = AODA, December 2006 - see; (webcast is now down, replaced with a page about the AODA and business compliance)

web committee, T.R.O.A.C.
web pages, how to build - see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- see also disability symbols

Wellesley Institute - 25-in-5 network member
- home page of,
- days leading up to provincial budget, see
- mentioned in write-up about Nancy Vander Plaats and provincial group, see

W.E.S.P. - job finding club, see wesp.html
part of Cdn Council on Rehabilitation and Work,
- article in Toronto Star, Sat. Nov. 8, 2008
Wellesley Institute
winter clothing allowance
women and minorities
World Blind Union
Wynne, Kathleen O., M.P.P., Don Valley West - Minister of Education
- visits Flemingdon ODSP recipient's support group, Nov. 10, 2006 - see flemingdon.html
- sat on social policy committee, of the Legislative Assembly




Yahoo groups, explanation of
- and search/archiving tips - see yahoo.html
- see also Google groups above
Yakabuski, John M.P.P.

yoga - beneficial to health
York University
- and assistive technologies (press release Dec. 12/06)

- and "Put Food In The Budget" event, March 2009
- Cheryl Smith made a speech in front of the Legislature; see video clip on YouTube
- and McGuinty, Dalton
- video clip of Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, "behind the scenes", on the topic of animal pets


Zachariah, Anna - called a "champion of the cause" re: ODSP in a summer 2008 Toronto Star "Local Heros" item
- see also lawyers
zero tolerance policy
Zimmer, David M.P.P.

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